"Slave.... someone didn't think it would be too cold to drive!"
Well, it sure seems cold to me. Hopefully she will be content with some long beach walks this morning and tomorrow, or Slave could be punished.
After we unpacked, and caught up with some emails and blog perusing (Suzanne and Tammy seem to have a busy weekend planned over at All Mine), we got back in the car and headed to a favorite local restaurant, a cafe that specializes in Kurdish cuisine, run by a gentleman who had become a local folk hero due to his battles with the INS about whether he should or should not be deported. Inside there is a bit of a shrine to him, and lots of merchandise with the "Free Ibrahim" logo. Strange local color, but if we do ever have to go on the Lam again, we may want to consult with him about finding shelter in Kurdistan.
Over dinner, Mistress and I discussed her three current "suitors", if that's a way to characterize them.
Of course, there is Francois, who was able the drop by the other night. "He's fun, isn't he Slave?"
Absolutely, a sexual bon vivant if there ever was one. Though Mistress's new work schedule may make it ahrd for them to get together as frequently as either might like.
Then there is E, who has worked his way back onto the dance card. The question is whether he and Mistress can find some common location where they might "run into" one another. He promises a very thorough spanking should that occur.
Of course, there is also the WC. It's been nearly 2 years since Mistress and the WC began to interact, and although he's been representing that he may find his way to our Mountain Hideaway sometime after the 1st of the year, I think Mistress is skeptical. "That special occasion cock may make an appearance as frequently as Haley's Comet, Slave."
Fortunately (for me), Mistress does have a fall back plan always available.
"I really don't need any other cocks than yours' Slave."
"That's good to know, Mistress.... but then what's wrong with a little dessert every now and then?"
Last night, we passed on the strange Kurdish dessert available, after filling ourselves with a bottle of wine, variations of chickpea preparations, and some tender lamb concoction.
"I think I know what I want for dessert, Slave...."
Rest assured that I made sure she had her full.