On Tuesday and Wednesday, Mistress was locked up in some marathon meetings with a client, involving not only her Grand Dommish Mother but also that neighbor we've written about from time to time, who "discovered" that a certain sex blog he had been reading was authored by some sexually overactive suburban neighbors down the street.
Mistress and he must have had a little time for a private chat during these meetings....
"He says he's still reading the blog, Slave....."
Let's hope he's still enjoying our relatively mundane adventures.
And while its been unseasonably cold in River City over the last two weeks, there is one advantage:
Mistress had been in her sexyt tights and boots when dressed up for work, which always presses slave's buttons..
"An older black minister at my meeting came up to me and said I look like Bett Midler, Slave...."
"Is that a good thing?"
"That's what I asked him..... he said he always thought Bett Midler was hot...."
Well I said he was older, but I suppose it's good to know that "men of the cloth" find Mistress as appealing as I do.
In any event, Mistress did stop by the office late yesterday afternoon before we headed to yet another holiday reception. And after a long day of "brain storming", it was only natural that she would want some relaxation therapy.
In fact, it seemed to be the first thing on her mind when she stepped into my office.
Of course, I was happy to accommodate, sliding the chair against the door, and laying that absorbent blanket on the seat. She quickly wriggled one leg out of boot and tights and panties, giving her kneeling slave an all access pass to those immaculately clean shaven folds. And nibbling and sucking away for a few minutes until she had her little late afternoon cum was realizing for me too, getting my mind off of some tedious document review I had been buried in for a few hours.
When the juices settled Mistress reassembled her wardrobe and I slid the chair back where it belonged, only to discover that my assistant had slid two letters I had dictated under my door while we were otherwise engaged.
Let's hope she was not listening too hard when she discovered her boss's door was inexplicably closed. And her discretion in not knocking makes me inclined to enhance her Christmas bonus.