Showing posts with label Presidential Debate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Presidential Debate. Show all posts

Friday, August 7, 2015

Jealous Cuckold?

Mistress and slave spent last evening at a civic dinner, then got home in time to watch the food fight on Fox, as the 10 guys who made the main card and their inquisitors  made history by using words like "pimps", "prostitutes", "bimbo" and references to women on their knees, in what may have been the least up-lifting Presidential debate of all time.

But at least someone on the stage had once separated Siamese Twins.

During a break, and in an effort to uplift the discourse,  I asked Mistress if she had any upcoming plans with her lover, Jay. She confirmed they had been in touch, and planned to have lunch today (Friday). But she seemed a little let down....

"I'm not really into 'just lunch', Slave.... it would be better if it was 'just  sex'....."

So what's the problem? 

"Apparently he has some scheduling issues tomorrow.... not enough time...."

Well, that happens. He's got a job. A special needs kid to deal with. And there is golf. I think Mistress is a little annoyed though. After 2 weeks of "comfort" sex with her slave, she's probably got an itch for the more athletic sexual stylings of her more alpha lover.

Of course, there is a potential back-up. 

K, the hunky younger guy who makes a cameo every now and then has been texting Mistress with more frequency. He wants to get back in the rotation.  But with our daughter around, and still looking for a job after graduation, Mistress can't provide the venue for any K action.

Then last night, Mistress got a "call me for lunch" solicitation from a 50 something business executive sitting at an adjoining table.

"He's been flirting with me for a while, Slave.....and might even be a good business contact.... I suppose I should give him a call....."

All this comes up in the context of developments at two blogs we often follow.  Marc Divigny over at the Cuckolder (see our blog role) is finally back in action. We thought maybe he disappeared on us. He explains his absence by the fact that he and his lover Janice broke up for a while because the cuckold who claimed he liked the humiliation of his wife and Marc's sexual antics got jealous. So there was a long cuckolding hiatus.  But apparently the cuckold missed Mark. And so did Janice. 

  Mistress seems to have a bit of a blog reader / remote crush on Marc. So we look forward to living vicariously when he updates the fun with him, Janice and the cuckold.

Meanwhile, over at "A Married Sissy", Terri seems to struggle on a regular basis with feelings of jealousy. Although sometimes it seems he may be as jealous about the lack of attention from Paul, as well as his wife Diane, when they seclude themselves in the marital bedroom.

I guess I am one of those cuckolds who does not have the jealous gene. I like to see Mistress happy, and a little sexual variety and male attention certainly makes her a happier Mistress.  And, unlike Terri, it's not like I don't get enough sexual release myself.  He's been clocking more than 90% of the time in his cock cage.

 In contrast, this Slave's been a free range cuckold in recent months.

Who can complain?