Showing posts with label Cinta Larga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cinta Larga. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Rain Forest Cuckoldry

It's been since Tuesday since I last heard from Mistress. And that was a rather frustrating "contact".  Slave went for a bike ride on Tuesday afternoon.  Returning rather gamey and planning to head to some friends' home for a rather zany 60th birthday party, I figured a shower was in order. And then, after a shower, it seemed like a good time to lay down for a brief nap.... but before the nap there were certain "orders" to follow that Mistress had left behind.

I know she wouldn't want me going to that party all horny. And there was a cage to put on before I left the house. So maybe this would be a good time for the daily purge of those "natural juices" as Mistress had directed?

After a workmanlike "purge", Slave drifted off for about 15 minutes. When I woke, and walked into the kitchen where I had left my phone to charge - there they were - a string of increasingly frantic text and viber messages from Mistress. She had stumbled out of the rain forest following a hike with some fellow travelers and stumbled upon a hot spot.  The messages extended over about 20 minutes, all during the time when I was otherwise engaged, either following her orders or napping.


I can tell Mistress was not particularly thrilled by her Slave's failure to be on the lookout for her. No doubt a punishment is due when she returns.  I hope she's OK, and that I will hear from her today!

Mistress galavanting through these island rain forests with all those prospective suitors in tow resonates with a book I've been reading here called "River of Doubt". The book is a narrative history focused on  Theodore Roosevelt's months long and life threatening journey with a small group of Americans and Brazilians down an un-explored tributary in the Amazon basin following his loss of the 1912 Presidential election.

The book wanders at times into indigenous native culture, and focuses on a then unknown tribe called the Cinta Larga, who posed a threat to Roosevelt's party as it trespassed across their habitat.  The Cinta Larga were primitive to say the least - with no written language or metal tools. They lived in small villages, 2-3 families to a hut, and used 5 ft. long poison tipped arrows shot from 6 foot bows to hunt game and other humans. Cannibalism was part of their diet, but only if your "meal" was not  from your tribe.

But while men and women had traditional roles, there was a bit of a kink to their sex lives that some of our readers can appreciate:

"Like women in most early cultures, the Cinta Larga women did not have a voice in tribal life or even family decisions. However, the Indian women did have a surprising amount of control over their own lives. For instance, if a Cinta Larga woman was unsatisfied in her marriage, she was free to do something about it. She could dissolve the marriage. She could marry another man. Or she could even stay with her husband and take a lover. In such circumstances, a husband would usually look the other way, unless he became the object of derision."

So apparently, there is a "cuckoldry" tradition, even in primitive cultures. Which would be a little hard to pull off when you were living in multi-family huts constructed of palm fronds.  You have to wonder whether there were some cuckolded Cinta Larga hubbies who actually got off on the thrill of
knowing their wife was over in the corner of the hut enjoying the larger and more robust cock of the guy from next door, while he was out shooting those long arrows at some rival tribe member, who might end up as the evening's dinner.

I wonder if Mistress's "Warrior" suitor is part of this long and kinky tradition?