Showing posts with label smutty emails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smutty emails. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mistress Goes for a "Ride"

Mistress was able to stop by at my office shortly after lunch on Tuesday for a little drive by office worship.  Her office is farther now from mine, so our chances for me to provide a little mid-day sexual attention are fewer and farther between. But that just makes the opportunity more valued.... we chatted about the days developments as I closed the door, slid the chair against it, and fell to m knees.  She was wearing a summer dress, so it was easy for her to just slide off her black undies and spread her elgs.

All very seamless and routine, but still very nice to savor those juices as I licked and sucked her to a nice mid-day release.

For me, it would be my last chance to savor for more than 24 hours.  I had a work event that evening at the local baseball palace, so Mistress made arrangements for a sleepover at J's love shack.

"I hope you don't mind me staying over, Slave, but its so much easier that driving home late at night."

"As you please,  Mistress. I won't be home until late anyway. "  And although I missed her in the bed last night , I do worry about a late night drive home in an overly relaxed or fatigued state of mind.

Mistress called me on the way and said "I don't know what I am looking forward to more Slave.... the long bike ride we've planned or riding J's cock afterwards."

She is a tease. And she said she mentioned the same to J.

"I told him we could just become biking buddies if he preferred...."

"I bet he didn't like that idea, Mistress."

He said "only if I'm a biking buddy with benefits".

I suffered through a marketing event at the baseball game.... in my mind a combination of two rather miserable activities, since I find baseball pretty tedious (no wonder all the new baseball parks are packed with things to do other than to actually watch the game), and have never been particularly good at banal small talk designed to get someone to hire me.

But I did hear a few times from Mistress, including a text saying,

"just back from 20 mile bike ride.... maybe too tired for sex!!!"

Somehow I think the two lovebirds rallied, if not last night, then at some time early this morning.  I doubt J can resist Mistress's charms for long any more than I can.

So Slave slept solo last night, honoring the "no touch" regime imposed here.  I will be particularly horny for her tonight.

But before signing off and heading for the shower, I did want to share the following news item, worth checking out.  School Boss sacked over Explicit emails.

It seems that the Superintendent of the Des Moines, Iowa  school district, Nancy Sebring, on her way to a new job running the Omaha, Nebraska school district,  made the mistake of using her office email account to exchange rather naughty messages with a guy with whom she was having what appears to be a new and torrid extra-marital affair.  Nancy,  57 years old, seems like the all American grandma in her sensible midwestern school administrator photo. Sadly, the local newspaper found the emails through a public records request.  The article has a link to the actual emails, which suggest to me that the Superintendent might have a promising "career" as a sex blogger now that her days as a public education poo-bah have come to a rather spectacular end.

Here is just one exchange, which was nice to have as blog stuffing, particularly since Slave has gotten no action in the last day, and our Senior Correspondent's internet remains on the fritz:

At some point, she does note that she's "craving every inch of you" and "fallen hopelessly in love with your dick."  Good to see her loosening up!

Clearly, Nancy missed that part of the employee handbook which says "You work for the government. Don't use office email or equipment for personal stuff you don't want everyone in town to see."

But having known more than a few big city school superintendents in my day, its good to know that at least one of them has a sex drive and knows how to use it.

All in all, a cautionary tale for those of our readers who are tempted to comment here via office email, or let it all hang out on their office issued PDA's.

It's why Slave and Mistress both take their personal laptops to work!