On Saturday afternoon she was consigned to attend a wedding shower for her devoted Slave's niece - the daughter of my dearly departed younger brother. When we originally accepted the invitation, it was under the assumption that it was one of those more "modern" co-ed showers, where the groom to be, husbands and male friends were also welcome. But, no.... it was not until after we sent an affirmative response that Mistress learned to her horror it was a "girls only" affair.
Someone once said about the Collins clan that it's like the Hotel California: you can check out, but you can never leave. Sure enough, Mistress texted me not long after the party commenced that the attendees included: my ex-wife, my brother's ex-wife (along with his widow, the mother of the bride to be), and a couple of his former actual and/ or wannabe girl friends (we are not sure if the wannabe ever actually got into my brother's pants, but it seems likely). Although we now get along on fairly cordial terms with my ex-wife, Mistress always notes a certain chill from other family members when she and my ex are in the same room - as in "is it cool to be cordial to Molly when the ex is there?" By now, after about 20 years you would think some folks would "move on", but one should never over-estimate the generosity of the human spirit.
As you might imagine, Mistress has no patience for these sorts of shenanigans, or for the whole "hen party" concept in the first place. "When I left they were playing some silly game, Slave.... ugh..."
I suspect I have earned a good cropping for having sent Mistress on this mission with too many catty women on a perfectly good Saturday.

It was too late by the time we finally got home from our campus excursion for some "night cap" sex, but we made up for it in Sunday: Mistress was treated to a little "power tool" action before she headed to her spinning class; and later in the afternoon, after a much needed nap, Slave used his un-powered tools to provide a little extra worship. Fortunately, Mistress was kind enough to return the favor, and we got in one more round of fucking during the extra daylight that the time change provided us.
Hopefully I can figure a way to make it up to Mistress for consigning her to that nasty wedding shower.