"What's wrong with this picture. Mistress on Abstinence for 11 days. while Slave gets his daily milkings? I must be on the wrong FemDom planet!"
I suppose you are right, Terri. (And its really 17 days when you add it up).Not only do we have a weekly switch day option here at UCTMW (as illustrated by this photo from our vault showing Mistress ready for a good cropping), but Mistress has been particularly indulgent while she is a way. She has not only allowed slave to "self abuse" at will, but has actually required it, along with a photo via snap chat to show the "proof" that slave is following orders.
On the other hand, while poor mistress has several targets of opportunity for a little sexual adventure during her voyage, she is under the watchful eye of the Dowager Domme, her loud, whiny and indiscrete sister and our cute daughter. AS a result she's been unable to taste all that tempting and delicious fruit available to her. That sort of dietary restriction must be very frustrating for the poor dear. And what the hell is in poy, anyway?

fluids" (remember that euphemism from Dr. Strangelove, all you old folks?) on a daily basis, I won't get too horny and be tempted to misbehave while she is on her 17 day sabbatical from Mistressing. (Has that worked for you WC?)
I also am required to wear my cage when I go out at night as a reminder of who is in charge.
And while those daily "milkings" certainly keep a randy slave's libido in check, they also have had another unanticipated result: I realize that that form of discharge can become more of a chore than fun. Everyday gets a little harder to look forward to my "alone time", if you know what I mean. It's a whole lot more fun getting to do it with Mistress, and asking her permission to cum.

As Terri notes, we may be on a different FemDom Planet? Terri is locked up in chastity for 89% of his time, and under s very limited cum regime. He even does a daily chastity report that he shares with his wife Diane and her lover Paul.
Meanwhile, her at UCTMW, slave is whining about how all those self administered cums are getting boring, while poor Mistress is enduring a 17 day draught, all the while being tempted by hot, available guys longing to take them off to their cabin for a good hard fucking.
It's sort of like the Bizarro World in those old Superman comics, where everything is in reverse, particularly the super heros, like Bizarro Superman and Supergirl, who are always screwing things up, rather than saving the day. And now, apparently, there is a Bizarro Wonder Woman, who uses that magic lasso to get people to lie, rather than tell the truth.
Maybe I really am in the Bizarro world. I could swear I woke up to a story on NPR about Donald Trump running for President!