Showing posts with label Forest Fires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forest Fires. Show all posts

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Generating Heat But Eluding the Smoke

Our little corner of the mountain west has been lucky this week. We not only have no raging wild fires nearby, but the good nature of the gods of the winds have directed the soot and ash from the fires to our north and south in other directions.

So, unlike last summer, the beautiful blue skies are not diluted by that brown haze generated from smoldering pine wood far off the horizon.

That gave Mistress and Slave the opportunity for a nice long bike ride yesterday after our morning sex here in the mountain hideaway.

We did get a dispatch from the WC, with an invitation from his new clubhouse, Scarlett Ranch, inviting him to their special benefit orgy to help forest fire victims:  

You are invited to a special event for the victims of the Colorado Wildfires.

Saturday, June 30th ~ Doors Open at 6:00!

Come join all your friends for this special charity event to benefit the victims of the Colorado Wildfires. We are collecting Items and will deliver them after the weekend. Items needed include new clothing, personal items, as well as items for large, small, domestic, and agriculture animals (Food, Blankets, Hay, Straw). Please check out or for more info!

Please, No Cash. Checks can be written out to the Humane Society or Red Cross.


Many wonderful friends and members have already donated items for the Silent Auction, including: Tattoo by Pepper, Gift Certificates to Lime, Photo Session with Peter Dunn, Healing and Aura Cleansing Session, Haus of Dollz Boudious Photo Shoot, One Hour Pin Up Shoot, Jewelry by Judy,...Just to name a few.

If you have a service or item you would like to donate for the silent auction, please let us know! ....Or if you are a band, performer, entertainer, and you would like to entertain on Saturday (or Sunday), please let us know!

All Proceeds go to Animal Rescue Groups, Charities supporting Fire Victims and Fire Fighters.

A very special thanks to all those that all already helping.  So close to many friends and family that are affected. Let's do what we can to help!

If you can't make it Saturday Night, feel free to bring your donations to the Independence Day Celebration on Sunday!

Mistress and Slave gave a few seconds of thought to hopping in the car and driving north the 5 hours or so through the smoke and flames to join Miguel and B at this worthwhile event..... We'd have to pack plenty of wet rags to use when the breathing got tough.

But I think we'd rather hunker down here, more sex, more bike rides, and an afternoon music festival, where a performer who used to be in an apparent femdom relationship with one of our more notorious neighbors will be performing. 

But we did get wondering about what the WC plans to contribute to the silent auction:

An internship with the UCTMW media empire, direct report to him?  

Or maybe free rides on the special occasion cock?

Good luck, WC. It's all for a good cause. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

From The Smokies.... West.

After a long travel day courtesy of our “back to the future” air travel system (you know, fewer flights, more crowded, worse connections, etc.), Mistress and I made it to our beloved mountain hideaway.

On route during the 3 hour drive from the nearest airport we passed within about 20 miles of the uncontrolled wildfires threatening the home of the atomic bomb, and a stockpile for everything from nuclear weapons to barrels of refuse contaminated with all sorts of deadly substances.

If you’ve never seen a forest fire at that range, it’s an awesome and, in ways, frightening sight. Smoke billowed from peaks and ravines and long ridge lines which must have spanned 20 or 30 miles. Considering the terrain, the heat and the wind, it will be a long time before that fire is under control. That is very tough duty for the 1200 or so souls out there in the wild, battling it.

For us, the inconvenience is a haze that has settled over the mountains here, muting the normally vibrant blue skies. Donna has warned us to acquire some masks if we plan to hike or bike ride.  And we will be on the lookout. But hopefully the winds will shift and keep the smoke minimal here, about 60 miles from the active blaze. If not, we may load up our bikes and head north to Colorado where the air is likely to be fresher.

It did make for an unusually red “lipstick” sunset last night, as the photo shows. That's the end of our drive, with the setting sun framed by a latilla fence and the chimisa bushes that clutter our "yard".

Once we arrived and packed away the groceries, the first thing Mistress did last evening was strip off the travel clothes, and we settled down out on our patio to read the local paper and enjoy the sort-of-fresh air and somewhat obscured views.

Mistress looked lovely, her breasts exposed , a lovely Indian necklace I’d  gotten her at Christmas hanging between them.

And since it had been a while for both of us in the sex category, it didn’t take long for us to head back inside, cuddle up nakers under the covers and …. Proceed.

Nothing fancy or flashy. Just good old, end of the day sex in the privacy of our special place. Mistress looked particularly fetching her legs spread, arms over her head as I proceeded to use lips and tongue to give her the worship she deserved.

“I hope it’s not too skunky down there, Slave…it’s been cooped up all day traveling. “

“No problem, Mistress… you’ve been airing all of yourself out this last hour or so….”

After she writhed to a nice preliminary come, she demanded the opportunity to feed on her cock. And who was I to stand in her way?

But soon I was begging for the privilege to fuck her. And she was mercifully indulgent.


After a little snooze we woke to watch the sunset in its smoked over glory and strolled our “grounds”, which show the impact of this season’s drought.  (Mistress wore that black nightie for her tour).

Today I will be clipping away some of the branches and dry brush near the house to make sure things are safe, though we have plenty of space from the forest.

Today’s Sunday… switch day here at our UCTMW branch office. Molly already knows it’s going to be naked Sunday for her…. With the exception of our bike ride and dinner with some friends.

“That sounds good Slave…. I can work on those tan lines….”

But Slave plans to throw a few curve balls into those plans.

Have a great Sunday, all.