And while we did not engage in a two-a-day as we had earlier in the week, our morning sex was particularly energetic, with lots of cock riding after slave deployed Mistress's power tool for an exuberant "starter cum".
But what if slave's sexual activities were one sided, like our blogger friend Terri over at "A Married Sissy", who seems to spend weeks at a time on lock down while Diane enjoys both his oral attentions and the benefits of her lover Paul's cock.
According to this video seminar I stumbled upon (Sexual Denial Makes You Happier), men who have their sexual climaxes rationed are actually happier! Of course, it's not clear what the scientific basis for this guy's "formula" is, but let me explain.
He claims that the pace of sexual release to assures a male's optimal happiness is determined by the following formula: (Age - 7) / 4. That is take your age, subtract 7 and divide the result by 4. For me that comes out to a cum every 14 days and 4 hours.
Of course, this guy is substantially younger than me - maybe 40? So he's worked out a formula that would allow him to cum once every 8 days or so. Ageist Bastard!
If you check out the video you will see that his formula for computing his "happiness" is very subjective. I would love to see this theory tested for replication and reliability in an independent laboratory, as any sound scientific theory should.
Interestingly, he is NOT saying a male like me attempting to optimize happiness should not engage in sex for 14 days. Just not sex taken to orgasm. So presumably I could deploy my humble work-a-day cock for Mistress's riding pleasures on a regular basis, but just retreat into frustration once she had her fill.
Nor does he mention the need for a cock cage, though I must say I would be tempted to "risk unhappiness" if not secured away during the moments when Mistress was not requiring her cock's services.
Finally, I have operated on the theory that there are health benefits to frequent sexual release? Aren't their studies that regular usage of all those organs down there helps keep prostrate cancer at bay? Or have I been making that up? Doesn't all that release of sexual juices make me a more docile and complaint slave, anxious to please Mistress? Or a t least cook her a nice dinner?
So what do our readers think? Is there any scientific validity to this theory? Would pacing my sexual releases to once every 14 days make me happier, as well as a more devoted and loving slave? Or would it turn me all cranky and discontented?