Our senior cute co-ed has been in town this weekend with a friend from college, which has forced Mistress and Slave to go under cover and squelch our more typical weekend sexual antics.... it's one of those "mini-breaks" that seem to pop up on the college calendars all too often these days.
So while there was some fulfilling wake-up sex here yesterday morning, our afternoon was a little slower than typical for a Saturday. Rest assured, I did add some pre-bed-time worship to the menu. We would not want Mistress to go wanting, even in a crowded house, would we?
We did embark on a morning bike ride to a local farmer's market, where we ran into one of my clients, a woman about Mistress's age. She told us about a long bike ride out west she recently enjoyed, and the benefits of "cross-training" to prepare for its rigors.
I just had to chime in, remembering the subject of yesterday's blog:
"Molly's into cross-training, aren't you, dear?"
Sadly, Mistress just looked confused, not getting my sly little reference to her varying styles of sexual play with her husband and her lover, Jay.
In the afternoon, after Slave finished suffering through another near death experience with his alma mater's football team on the gridiron, Mistress mentioned that should heard more from her former college lover, E.
You may recall that E was an old college fuck buddy, and one of the initial prospective cuckold partners for Mistress when this blog got started. Here is a link to the blog going back several years to one of those discussions of his rather on again, off again virtual "courtship" of Mistress.
Suffice it to say that E talked big about the spanking and dominance he would offer Mistress, should they get together. But of course, he never did deliver.
The Washington Post article discussed here last week described the contemporary phenomenon of many married ladies having "back burner" relationships out there on facebook or elsewhere, "just in case" . E's occasional contacts, emails and texts to Mistress suggest a campaign to get onto Mistress's short list of backburner candidates.
"He said that he's heading to the West Coast for several weeks Slave. So I mentioned that I am going to Portland at the end of the month to visit a friend, and changing planes in LA."
"I'll bet that got him going, Mistress...."
"Yes, Slave..... he sent me this photo, saying he'd pack special for me, just in case":
I suppose you have to admire a man who follows the Boy Scout motto.
Midwestern Professionals relocated the the High Desert SW add some cuckoldry and submission. But now there's a New BOSS in town
Showing posts with label paddle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paddle. Show all posts
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Be Prepared
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Our Senior and Western Correspondents' Tutorial on Spanking

KTAO, Our favorite Mountain West radio station is on, streaming what we have become used to as our Christmas soundtrack. And though it just doesn't seem like Christmas here in River City, with mild temperatures and not a snowflake in sight, we did enjoy Christmas Eve at my daughter's home, her two cute boys rampaging about, and both sides of her family gathered around a huge table. The torch has passed to a new generation for the Christmas Eve gathering, and that's a milestone to celebrate.
By the way, there was plenty of sexual action here at the World HQ too on Christmas Eve. There hot wake-up sex before a bracing bike ride. Then, well, Mistress seemed to get a little randy while I took my daughters to the Pussycats game here in River City. Her phone sex session with the WC only partially satisfied her appetite. Because after the family dinner, and a walk in our charming old neighborhood to enjoy the lights and stillness, she got out those long black leather gloves to taunt and tease "her" cock. And who was I to complain.....
But the special Christmas treat today is this remarkable collaboration by our Senior and Western Correspondents on how to give and accept a nice Holiday spanking.
Enjoy, and Merry Christmas to all!
The WC:
Spanking is something that turns on almost all submissives
I use spanking as a broad term to encompass spanking,
paddling, strapping, caning, etc.
There are two types of spanking
Fun hot spanking used as sex play
And even hotter
Real or disciplinary spankings
I like play spankings
But I love to mete out real discipline!
It makes my cock rock hard every time
There was a kinkstress named Dorothy Spencer back in the 30's
She wrote a little book called the "Spencer Spanking
In that book she advocated spanking to solve marital
But the little minx had a twist
She said the wives could only be spanked by their husbands bare
She said the husbands should be spanked very hard with a hard
wooden paddle
Little kinky Domme obviously!
The famous Spencer Spanking Paddle is named after her
It is a hard wood spanking paddle with
holes drilled in it to reduce wind residence
In her book she said you should never give in to any pleas for
But, rather spank till the husband was truly contrite
Reminds me of Molly Collins
Whining and wheedling during switch day
"Oh but slave it hurts so terribly" Please
But then when Mick fucks up
It is the shoehorn or riding crop till he grabs the sheets
I know Mick loves it
Molly you should become more strict!
Nevertheless, I think it is very hot when a spouse can truly
discipline the other spouse
The hottest sex B and I have is after a real spanking
I have to say that I am not a huge fan of Spencer for those of us who are kinky. For vanillas, it's the bee's knees, and I do appreciate that there are some rules, like the one that says to never spank in anger. And I like the philosophy that once the punishment is over, it's over and the issue that resulted in the punishment won't be brought up again. However, I much prefer what to me is the sexier style of spanking that is part of the BDSM community.
There is the silent build-up that makes my stomach tingle and makes my pussy hot when I glance toward Bill and he has a finger, or two, or five raised and gives me a nod, letting me know that I have erred and the spanks are adding up. I know that the number of fingers I see is only a minimum, not the maximum, and not knowing for sure what the total will be adds edge, tension and a spontaneity that brings thought of both excitement and oh, crap! When Bill senses that I am needing more spanks, he continues, judging by my response what is right for that moment. It's a bit like that economics principle of what the market can bear.
The word bear, brings me to bare. Sometimes we're both naked for my spanking and sometimes he just pulls down my jeans or pulls up my nightie. A favorite of mine is when I am naked over his lap and he still has his clothes on. As he pushes down on my back, I can feel his hard-on pushing against me through the fabric of his pants and the pain/pleasure waves begin. After the spanking starts, a rhythm develops between swats and sweet rubbing and back to swats. The more my butt stings the harder Bill's erection becomes, and eventually my cries are two-fold: for him to stop and for him to take me.
Bill thinks I respond to each of the tools of spanking, the hand, flogger, cane or paddle just a bit differently, but says they all make me really horny!
After the session is over, there is always, always aftercare. That loving, rubbing, checking in with me that makes me feel so treasured. I suppose I would describe the aftercare as that same feeling as when I am overwhelmed in a crowd and I feel Bill put his arm around me and I instantly know I am safe and everything is going to be okay. It is a gift, an act of love.
The WC:
Regardless of the type of spanking I like the over the knee
position the best
My hand for play spanking and a hairbrush for discipline
I put my right leg over her legs to make sure she cant wiggle
I say "hand please" and make her give me her right
hand which I hold in my left hand on the small of her back
This gives you great control of her
Before I demand the hand, I like to pull her bottom open to
inspect her
Pry her labia open and jam a finger in her...embarrass her that
she is wet...
Sometimes I put a butt plug up her bottom ....HOT! "Naughty
girls get their bottoms stuffed and it makes their cunts drip, doesn't
Yes sir...
I make her answer every question I ask... also HOT!
If the spanking is a disciplinary one a stern lecture is
also called for
"How many times have I told you not to do that young
lady?" punctuated by a hard swat from the hairbrush
"I'm going to blister your bare bottom young lady!"
"Oh you are sorry now? "Not as sorry as you're
going to be before I'm done with you!"
"I'm going to lay into your bottom till its bright red
young lady!"
OMG that gets my cock rock hard HOT HOT HOT!!!!
After I'm done it's easy to slip her off your lap on her knees
and have her thank me and worship and suck my cock till I cum down her throat
Thanks, guys. You've both earned your Christmas Bonus. But what was particularly special was the photo of him in his "workshop" that the WC sent us to go with this post:
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
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