A deer head, retrieved from Grandma's house, with a full set of antlers, is peering at us over the back seat.
It wouldn't have fit in an overhead rack.
That was another reason to go overland.
I took the first shift at the helm. Now Mistress is steering us into Illinois.
The wifi connection allowed me to check all of those comments from yesterday.
19 comments yesterday. wow. Good pot stirring Donna, I may retire.
And there was one more provocative comment on the subject of "slut" from Vanessa Chaland, new to these pages. In her view, "slut" is no longer a perjorative, as Aisha and others suggested. But she added that the word "skank" is the new "slut". I can buy that.
Obviously, we are lucky to have such a prolific staff writer like Donna, willing and so capable to fill in and keep the conversation going when the pampered house Slave gets too busy (or lazy).
Now I know some of you would like Donna and Bill to start their own blog. If they did, it would be like one of those SitCom spin offs. But we know how those go. "Mary Tyler Moore" begat "Rhoda" and "Lou Grant". "All in the Family" spun off "The Jeffersons" and "Maude". And all of the Sienfeld characters (except Jerry) have had their own shows.
I ask you dear readers: Was the spin-off ever as good as the original?
So we hope Donna and Bill stay on the team here at UCTMW, even if it means occassional Amex Card abuse.
Unfortunately, our early departure cut into our wake-up sex. a little while ago, cruising across Indiana, I mentioned to Mistress that I woke with a very hard cock.
What? .... you didn't tell me, Slave?"
"I didn't want to distract you Mistress.... I mean.... one thing would have led to another, and we would have ended up back asleep.... we'd probably still be in bed now."
I'm not sure that Mistress was pleased. Her slogan seems to be "never let a good hard cock go to waste."
If so, I may be due for a punishment before we hit the Santa Fe trail in Kansas City.