Well, it seems this
Senior Correspondent for UCTMW has been slacking a bit. Okay, I’ve been
slacking a great deal with the blog lately, but I’ve been keeping busy with a
few other things.
I have been working with
Claire Thompson, doing both beta and editing work on her latest book, The
Story of Owen: One Man’s Submissive Journey, which was just released last week. You can read both the
blurb and an excerpt at Claire’s website, if you like: http://www.clairethompson.net/thestoryofowen.php .
To give you a hint, it’s
the story of a man who has lived a vanilla existence, always knowing he needed
something more – something different, but not able to pursue it. When Owen
reaches the point he is ready to explore his submissive side, a friend gives
him the business card of a Professional Dominatrix and all kinds of
things unfold from there.
While this book has
something to make every kinkster’s heart go pitter-pat, for those into
sado-masochism I’ll share that one section I particularly enjoyed has
predicament bondage with a cock and ball pillory. I also liked the bondage and
flogging, but you may already know that’s a personal favorite for me.
A unique thing about
Claire is that she actually lives the lifestyle. She has been part of the BDSM
community for many years and knows what she’s writing about. The book is erotic
fiction, of course, but Claire keeps things in the realm of reality. Speaking
of realism, see the headboard on the cover there? That is the very same style
headboard Bill and I have on our bed. That, used in conjunction with the
matching foot board, is perfect for handcuffing and bondage and all kinds of

While I may be a slacker with the blog, I am never a lazybones when it comes to our sex life. One morning last week I was getting ready to ask Bill about an interesting anal toy I had spotted on-line, but just then he decided there was something more important I could do with my mouth. He doesn’t like me to talk with my mouth full, especially when it’s filled with his cock or balls, so first I bestowing loving attention, licks, slurps and good morning kisses to his balls and moved on to licking and sucking on his cock with enough enthusiasm to bring him to the point of making all those beautiful, deep, male cumming noises. Then we talked about the toy pictured here.
It’s the Vibrating Anal Cone from Blush Novelties.
See how it has that corkscrew look to it? I was thinking that on those days
when you just know you’re going to get screwed over at work, you could wear one
of these and know that at least part of the screwing you were getting was of
your own choosing. And it’s available at Amazon. Who knew?

Senior Correspondent