I was all set to resign myself to another day with no news from Mistress when my text message lit up around noon time here. We were actually able to get a voice connection for a while, though Mistress was being shadowed by her Mother and sister it seemed at some primitive "hot spot", so she could not give me a candid read out about life on board. She did get an email through to me though, with some amusing details.
The crew who unloads the cargo loves [our daughter] as well. No good news on the sidedish topic. There is another guy... A newcomer from the last few days who is from the UK and traveling alone. Very interesting and works so her can travel and travels about 9 months a year to pretty remote places. Has great stories. Lots of prospects.... But no alone time.
ON the phone Mistress explained that while she can slip out of her room she shares with her Mother to spend time in the boat's "bar" at night, our daughter has been joining her, and the Dowager Domme seems pretty conscious if she's gone for too long. What a shame. a hot babe with permission, but with too many chaperones!
Her email went onto explain another amusing development:
Saturday we went to an idyllic beach and we were pretty lazy. Was swimming with Steve and this seaman from the crew . Steve is the UK dude. Crew really likes [our daughter] and me. They speak no english. Seaman asked Steve to ask if I would stay and marry him. He also said he is one of the Warriors on his home island. That's a first."
On the phone Mistress added a few details.
"I told him that I was already married. He said, 'that's no problem, a lot of us have more than one wife!"
Poor Mistress, all these options but no time to slink away for fun. In comparison to her well milked slave, she's been in abstinence mode for 11 days and counting. She's may be ready to explode at anytime. Let's hope she gets a chance to relieve the tension soon.
But Slave should have taken her potential Warrior husband as an omen, and called a local bookie. I slipped in to my cage and headed down to a local bar where the two steppin' music was playing on one side, and the Cavs v. Warriors game was on the other. I was pulling for my regional team, but as I should have known from the omen of Mistress's proposal, the Warriors came out on top. (excuse the cuckold oriented pun!) It's not looking good for LeBron and the Backbenchers.
When I got home I dropped my jeans over my cowboy boots, and snapped a photo of her work-a-day cock in its cage. If she can open her snapchat, she should be pleased to see I am following orders. Hopefully I am not so ham handed with my I-phone that the picture doesn't end up displayed like this: