Showing posts with label cuckold. office worship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cuckold. office worship. Show all posts

Friday, August 31, 2012

Mistress Makes My Day

Here in River City it seems that summer just began and is already fading away. Things traditionally pick up speed at work after Labor Day, and we barely slowed down. (Thankfully we have a week away planned starting a week from today to grab back some of that lost summer.)

But yesterday there was a little break for us around noon time. Mistress walked over between meetings, and we had a chance for a little mid-day celebration of those clean shaven folds.

Our loyal readers know the drill by now: Slave pushed the door closed, and the chair against it. The blanket I keep there for such occasions was placed on its seat. Then Mistress hiked up her dress and shimmied out of her black undies, sitting on her throne as her Slave fell to his knees to savor her addictive juices.

What a lovely lunch break.

We had driven to work together, and when we headed home, Mistress spoke with her lover J about some plans for this evening. With what we hope will be an empty nest tonight (presuming our daughter up the road doesn't make a surprise appearance), our plan is to pick up J and his bicycle, go for an early evening ride, maybe go out for dinner, and then have Ja do a "sleepover" here with Mistress.

After the call, Mistress made sure her Slave was on board.

"You don't mind J spending the night do you, Slave?"

I assured her that Slave remains "cool" with her sexual adventuring.  After all, I do get plenty of action, don't I.

We did spend a little time watching the final night of GOP coverage from Tampa. The cute video with all those Romney family photos for a moment had me thinking that the guy running for President wasn't the wooden plutocrat with hidden tax returns but actually Ozzie Nelson with his devoted Harriet at his side.

But the night was really hijacked by that great Amercian Clint Eastwood. In his alternative universe, the President is some guy who sits there and tells an old movie actor to "shut-up" and that Mitt should "go fuck himself". By now Mistress was asleep, and I knew the story of the day on the morning after would not be whatever speech Mitt gave, but the sheer wackidoodle of this cranky old man talking to an empty chair and asking the crowd to "make his day."

Ok.... enough with this AM's morning rant.

Since Mistress is likely to be sleeping in another bed tonight, maybe it would be wise for me to sign off now, and make sure there is plenty time this morning for Slave to get some action.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Mistress Dusts Off Her Hitachi

We've picked up our game a little as a busy week comes to an end here in the no longer empty UCTMW nest . Wednesday evening was our planned "family dinner" here - J, his son, our two daughters  - a nice social evening with the cuckoldry on the back burner.

At least that was the expectation.

But things took a licentious turn. First, the cute Co-Ed announced she was going out with friends and would skip dinner.

OK.  Who can blame her.

Then the not quite as sullen teen announced that she would be off shortly after dinner to visit a friend.

So now we are down to just four of us, with J's son engrossed in our big flat screen computer.

"I'm happy to keep an eye on [the son] if you two want to head upstairs to 'confer' a bit...."

Aren't I an understanding Slave.  It had been about three weeks since the two lovebirds had some private time. Who knows what sort of footsy they'd been playing under the table. But I figured it was high time for them to "get a room".

They were a little surprised at my offer, but took but 30 seconds or so to take me up on it, heading upstairs as I settled down with my paper on a ouch adjacent to J's son, who seemed oblivious to the whereabouts of his dad for the next 40 minutes or so.

After they left, Mistress gave me a sanitized version of what unfolded: He wanted to see me use the Hitachi, Slave.... that seems to get his motor running.... so I gave him a little show, was that OK?"

Well it's hardly for me to judge, isn't it?

"And he did some licking too.... I think he likes that almost as much as you do...."

Why settle for one tongue when you can ahve too, right ladies?

In fact, yesterday Slave had one of his rare opportunities for some mid-day worship.

Mistress had to stop by my office to sign some papers. Once the signing and notarizing was done, she had a few spare moments to bare those clean shaven folds for me.  I took a photo of her open toed summer shoes.

Cute toes, don't you think?  My guess is that some subs would be more than happy to indulge in some toe worship with those available. But time was limited, so I cut to the chase.... sliding to my knees to devour some of those addictive juices, until Mistress succumbed to a nice post lunch cum.


AS it turned out, Mistress had to work late last night, which gave me a chance to take the sullen teen to see the new Spiderman movie. Yet another re-launch of the tale, but actually pretty good for such things. And while she brought up the likelihood of a "Fifty Shades of Grey" movie as the trailers ran, at least I didn't get cross-examined about why I had read that silly book.

We got home at around 9:45 pm, and Mistress was already in bed, in a cute nightie, looking unusually blissful.


After we settled in, she made a little confession.

"Slave.... I hope you don't mind.... but I was talking to J before you got home, and he said he wanted to listen to me use the Hitachi....."

Well that explains that particularly relaxed demeanor.

"Did he enjoy listening to you come, Mistress....."

"He seemed to Slave....."

It's good to know my services were not too badly missed while watching the old web-slinger.  Special effects should not just be limited to the big screen.