Miguel, next time you are "Steppe - ing Out" make sure to bring condoms!
Instead of getting a few more notches on his belt as a war correspondent, the WC has found a comfort zone in consumer reporting on the burgeoning pot market in his home state, which is giving John Denver's "Rocky Mountain High" some posthumous legs:
(DENVER) Well well well
Now I learn that they are making pot
beauty products
I just mailed a brochure describing the
products to Mick
Face cream....... no more wrinkles
Knee cream... no pain
Massage oils "just give them to your
massage guy" happy ending !!!
Pimples .....rub it on they're gone
But the poor old WC was asking
What about sex oils?????
Well my man Mobly
At the pot shop assures me the oils can be rubbed on
sex organs and it is great ....
Course he thinks everything pot is great
I will try an experiment since my
lovely bride is high on the idea
Report cumming soon!
Now I never liked smoking pot
Still don't
But on UCTMW's generous budget I did
purchase some "raw" bud
I am going to give it away or bake it in
a muffin
Sorry Mick I would give it to you but
that is illegal
Or so I am told
Not being a lawyer I don't know
Mobly and his fellow owners of my pot
shop told me they had found the "HOLLY GRAIL"
Drum roll please
E cigarettes
Full of hash oil
WTF I said!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes Mobly assured me
I was smoking one in Ohare Airpot in
And in the airport in Israel
Hey he said
If Mossad can't catch you nobody
Probably true......
So the WC bought one of these new fangled
The power unit costs $20.00
It plugs into your computer to
UBS port
Then you buy the unit with the THC in it
Very pure hash oil I am told
Mobly tells me you get 500 hits per unit
No matches
It looks just like a pen
Keep it in you pocket
No lighter needed
Mobly told me it takes four or five puffs
to get him high
The poor old WC took one and was very happy
Advise here
Never use Mobly as a test subject
Seriously here
Pot infused E cigs are the future
Don't know quite to make of this new deal
But I do know that for whatever reason
Pot medical products have been banned for
My theory.....
I don't have a clue
Rock on Mick and Molly
The befuddled
Mobly? Really? Can't think of a better name for a Ganja Entrepreneur.
And at the rate you are going "befuddled" may become a permanent adjective describing your countenance, WC.