I know, some of you out there are saying…. Hey Mick, where was our invitation? Aren’t we your family and friends too? And yes, you are. Wouldn’t it be great to have all of you here for an alternative celebration of our “alter egos”. Maybe we will schedule that when the nest really empties out in August. We will move the furniture around so that it has more the feel of the UCTMW World HQ than our charming home filled with the accumulated detritus of two teenagers yearning to break free of the magnetic pull of their overbearing and incredibly dull parents.
If only they new! (God, pleae hope they never figure it out).
Yesterday we got some “fan mail” from a reader to our email account, rather than as a comment on our blog. Hopefully he won’t mind if I share a bit of his comments. (I guess I am assuming he is a he rather than a she,,,, please correct me if I am wrong):
“I think what separates your "kinky" blog from most others is the great content provided in each update, and that the reader knows that you're real. That's what ties it all together for me, is that I know everything that is written and featured is one hundred percent legitimate. I appreciate and enjoy all that is written, and the pictures featured too.
Unfortunately, I believe a lot of "kinky" blogs are entirely fake. It's great to have the knowledge that not only is your blog real, but that it contains great content as well.”
Unfortunately, I believe a lot of "kinky" blogs are entirely fake. It's great to have the knowledge that not only is your blog real, but that it contains great content as well.”
Thanks, dear reader. We try to make it real ---- except when we go off into pure fantasy --- like the part where Judge Miguel lets the buck stop with his Bailiff. In reality, he’s a stand up guy who would never throw his Bailiff under the bus.
As it turns out, the dear Judge is off to a “Judicial Conference” this weekend, visiting his brother for some golf. No doubt he brought his summer robes, as shown in this illustration that our Senior Correspondent passed along.
He and Mistress were texting and phoning some as he waited for his delayed plane yesterday, flirting at the cocktail lounge with two women.
At one point, Mistress warned “Now M… don’t show them that SOC….”
They can both be a little possessive. Mistress does seem to enjoy those little photos M will text her from time to time of his SOC, but likes to think she is the only one on the distribution list.
And M seems to get the willies if he hear’s about Mistress flirting with some other guy. (Though the other night, when Mistress reported that an attractive woman was flirting with her at a little post-work outing, both M and I gave it a “thumbs up” --- what is it about guys and the buzz that comes with the thought of a little girl / girl action?)
Apparently the allure of the cock shot is not a sentiment universally shared. This morning Aisha posted an excerpt from Jon Stewart’s show earlier this week describing one woman’s thoughts on the receipt of the random “cock shot”, definitely worth watching. Here is the link.
The only problem Mistress seems to have with M’s cock shots is that they tend to reproduce like weeds on her various devices. You know the drill: it comes in on the I-phone. She later synchs her I-phone with her home laptop. It moves over there. Then later she synchs with her office computer. There it is again. And each re-synching can cause it to re-produce again.
When I suggested she may not want to have all those cock shots on her office computer…. Let’s say the IT guy (or girl) does a little maintenance and then files a sexual harassment claim – she set off on the task of deleting, and deleting, and deleting.
It became a project akin to spring house cleaning. All those SOC’s. Impressive. Put them together and we would cover the distance to London and back. (If they were my work-a-day cock, we might have only made it to Boston).
I wonder if there is an App for this type of project: the cyber equivalent of “Round Up” to root out all the obscene photos on your devices. And just think of the problem once we all go to the so called “Cloud”. Once a photo enters cyberspace who knows where it ends up.
SOC, now you belong to the ages….
Judge Miguel’s legacy may be something beyond his collected opinions.