Another feature we've added is to the column on the right of our post that ranks the most popular UCTMW posts, based on page views. Not surprisingly, the Contract entry remains #1. But showing up on the chart this this morning, is the post I did only Friday morning about one extended family's dysfunctional Thanksgiving. for some reason that struck a chord out there (either that or there is some strange search word in there that is leading folks to it inadvertently). Go figure.
Sadly, I have no hot switch day activities or photos for you today. The teen was here over the weekend, so yesterday morning, Mistress and Slave opted for some "comfort sex" when we woke up, followed by a quick trip to the gym. Mistress did a very macho 90 minute spinning class, while Slave did a more leisurely work-out. Afterwords, I took the teen to watch the local pussycats play football, while Mistress stayed home, catching up on a variety of tasks before another challenging work week begins.
She really has been working hard. New job. Hard charging boss, Interesting work, but also a lot more consuming than her prior gig. Slave needs to focus on making her life easier on the home front in the next few weeks, as she gets her arms around the scope of her new duties.
I suspect she may yearn for the more laid back pace of our Western Correspondent. The other day, as we headed for home, she mentioned that the WC had mentioned that "He's going into the office to read some porn."
Nice gig if you can get it. But unfortunately for the WC, UCTMW has yet to launch a 401(k) Plan. And with that new hand held friendly blogger format, now WC doesn't even have to go to his office computer to catch up on life here at the World HQ in privacy.