Showing posts with label Mt. Everest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mt. Everest. Show all posts

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Mountain Man Sighting

Mistress and slave have been enjoying some plentiful early snow up on our ski mountain this week. The holiday crowds have yet to arrive, giving us the feeling of having our own private ski resort with open trails for getting our legs back in shape for the season.

And with the much missed privacy, we have also had the chance for more raucous and sustained encounters betwixt the sheets.

Of course, one thing missing is that Mistress does not have a side-dish lover in these parts (yet) in order to fully exploit all this privacy.

As if to highlight that one missing piece of the puzzle, she spotted HIM.  It was a post lunch lift ride that traverses a steep double black downhill run, not open yet for need of a few more feet of snow. Below us was a tall, rangy ski patrolman, side stepping down the steep pitch, compacting the first layer of snow with his skis.

"I think that's HIM, slave, Mistress whispered to me."

Sure enough, it was Mistress's "fantasy date", the mountain man of her dreams, who has climbed Mt. Everest more than any other American climber (which guy in this photo do you think HE is?).  Mistress's mountain man  lives somewhere in  our neighborhood here and when he's not leading climbers up Denali or Everest, he spends his winters working the ski patrol to keep in shape and acclimated to high altitudes. Mistress has been drooling over him ever since we saw one of his lectures/slide shows of his adventures. And all week she's been speculating aloud about whether HE is in town rather than climbing some mountain in Antarctica as he is wont to do at this time of year.  Mistress was able to confirm from HIS facebook and instagram posts that he was, indeed, on our mountain this week. She's been craning her neck every time a red jacketed skier passes by.

I yelled an hello to HIM as we passed overhead, and he yelled a jaunty hi back.  But Mistress, blushing a bit, remained silent. No doubt she was distracted by her quickening pulse and the sudden slickening of those clean shaven folds induced by the sudden appearance of her mythic crush.

Of course, Mistress has talked to HIM before. And they are even facebook friends, exchanging a few flippant comments from time to time. But Mistress has never had any extended opportunity to work her lethal charms on HIM.

Alas.   Maybe someday.  Until then, slave will have to do his best to keep Mistress's engines running.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Mistress's Fantasy Date Lives to Climb Another Day

Here at the UCTMW World HQ it's a little too busy this weekend. Our cute Co-Ed is home for a few days. Mistress is throwing a fancy birthday party for her aging Domme of a Mom, and Slave is dealing with his own cranky mother. 

Saturday is likely to me over-programmed, and not much fun.  Then there is "Easter Brunch" at the birthday grandma's house.

But once we work our way through that, the Co-Ed will be heading back to campus, and Mistress and Slave have scheduled some quality time here in the Executive Suite. We may have to relaunch the tradition of "Switch Sunday".

"You've been a little lazy on that front lately, Slave."

Hmmm. Maybe if I find that bamboo cane she may regret what she's asking for?

Yesterday Mistress did have a bit of a jolt.

When news broke about the deadly Avalanche at Mt. Everest, she realized that her fantasy mountain man from our SW hideaway was there leading  a team of climbers. Not long after the news broke, MM posted on his facebook account that he and his team were safe and well, though mourning the loss of too many Sherpas doing the dirty work of preparing the ropes and ladders for the deep pocketed foreigners who come each year just to make another check mark on their bucket list.

When so many people die playing a game of Nepalese roulette on an avalanche prone  swath of that mountain, just to create photo ops for wealthy Westerners, one has to wonder about the sanity - or morality - of the enterprise.

But at least Mistress's fantasy date is still around to keep her hopes alive.

On a blog housekeeping matter, Slave has now opened a UCTMW Tumblr account, where I will be posting some of our favorite photos of Mistress accumulated over the years, and sharing other photos that may draw my attention. It's listed on the blog roll of you want to check it out.

Hope all of our readers find each and every egg the Bunny may hide in your household!