And with the much missed privacy, we have also had the chance for more raucous and sustained encounters betwixt the sheets.
Of course, one thing missing is that Mistress does not have a side-dish lover in these parts (yet) in order to fully exploit all this privacy.
As if to highlight that one missing piece of the puzzle, she spotted HIM. It was a post lunch lift ride that traverses a steep double black downhill run, not open yet for need of a few more feet of snow. Below us was a tall, rangy ski patrolman, side stepping down the steep pitch, compacting the first layer of snow with his skis.
"I think that's HIM, slave, Mistress whispered to me."

I yelled an hello to HIM as we passed overhead, and he yelled a jaunty hi back. But Mistress, blushing a bit, remained silent. No doubt she was distracted by her quickening pulse and the sudden slickening of those clean shaven folds induced by the sudden appearance of her mythic crush.
Of course, Mistress has talked to HIM before. And they are even facebook friends, exchanging a few flippant comments from time to time. But Mistress has never had any extended opportunity to work her lethal charms on HIM.
Alas. Maybe someday. Until then, slave will have to do his best to keep Mistress's engines running.