- Paying a little more for groceries because we can patronize a well stocked but tiny little organic market just a short bike ride away. they even have a little hand wash station and free disposable gloves available for those who enter!
- When we both have Zoom calls at the same time, our internet will slow down and images get herky-jerky.
- I could use a haircut, but, alas, the barbers have all been shut down.
- And we can sometimes get annoyed with clients back home make "demands" for our remote attention. Why does it seem we should simply be treated like we are on vacation when we are still getting paid?
But then, as someone once said, "necessity is the mother of invention". Mistress has taken to baking very yummy sugar free cookies. Who would have thought of Mistress as a baker?

And while we've had plenty of time to explore new TV series on NETFLIX, HULU, PBS, etc. we have not forgotten what got us this flashy sex blog all those years ago--- sex.
Mistress has been corresponding with "Drew", a potential partner back in River City these last couple of weeks, and he asked about what we mean by "Wake Up Sex". Well it's a sort of shorthand for a morning ritual that we have enjoyed for many years: it's very rare that we don't have sex of some variety when we wake up. Exceptions have arisen only when Mistress or her slave have an unusually early morning business engagement, or we are apart for some reason.
We typically begin with some oral worship, bringing Mistress to her first cum of the day (unless she's been secretly playing with herself before I come back to bed). If I've written a blog entry, she typically reads the blog as a little extra stimulant as I use by lips and tongue to bring her to that initial climax.
Presuming I have done my job well, I am then given permission to move onto stage two. I might be on top, or maybe she might be on top. Or we switch about before things come to their natural conclusion. Sometimes I deploy Mistress' s favorite power tool (an Hitachi Magic Wand0 to spice things ip. You get the picture.

Of course, we are not done with sex after "wake up" sex is over. Mistress typically requires some form of worship during the course of the day. Example: yesterday she was out sunning herself. It may have been only in the 50's here, but the high altitude sun is warm. Working on those lingering tan lines required the removal of ALL clothing, as you can see.

Once Mistress rolled over, I offered to worship. After all there were no annoying layers of clothes to get in the way. Nothing like easy access! I went to work, but Mistress had an idea. She reached for her phone. Maybe we should document this for our readers, slave.....
Here's the result. As you can see, my need for a haircut is not on top. For this version of worship, it was allowed to leave my sunglasses on.