Sun does a lot for our dispositions. Yesterday morning, you saw that gray, River City sky through our windscreen. Today, check out the bright azure high desert sky as we drove from the airport north to our little hideaway yesterday afternoon.
Things had been chaotic at work for both of us this week. I was up late working Wednesday night, so by the time I got to bed, both of us were pretty weary and passed on our normal bed time activities. And we were out to the airport by 5:50 am, so no morning sex either.
I know, we are not holding up our end of the sex blogger bargain. But bear with us….
The sunny 3 hour drive, a stop for a late lunch / early dinner at a favorite place along the way, and monitoring the developments back at the World HQ by way of comment / banter from our Western Correspondent, Senior Correspondent and wily Production Assistant got us into a lighter and more relaxed mood.
It’s reassuring to know that UCTMW is now beginning to write itself. I can just toss out a few deviant themes or comments, and our creative staff can riff on them for hours, taking them in all sorts of crazy directions. Who would have expected Dick Cheney to make a cameo appearance. And I am hoping the unlucky Guido was an independent contractor, so I don’t have to worry about his worker’s comp claims too.
In fact, Bill played such an imaginative role in yesterday’s hijinks that he is hereby designated Director of Security for UCTMW, Worldwide.
Donna, I hope this does not go to his head, and he starts practicing his water boarding techniques on you.
There was a quick stop at the local organic market for provisions – somehow chocolate gluten free muffins made it into the cart – and by 4:30 we were in our drive, those beautiful mountains behind us, snow covered and lit by that glorious “magic hour” sun.
Instant blood pressure de-escalation.
There was not much to unpack, and some kinky catching up to do. But first, Mistress arranged a photo shoot for her boots, to give Donna a little more boot envy.
Of course I have some boots here too. One thing that I find appealing about the privacy here is that when I have a hankering to take a leak, it’s quite convenient and oh so green for me to step outside to take care of business. Mistress caught me at one of those moments, shortly before one of our beautiful lipstick sunsets.
As Frank Zappa once sung...."watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow."
“The WC Slave…. I think he’s concerned that I might actually go down to the Cantina for some action…. He says I should just break out the Hitachi.”
M does keep a close tabs on Mistress.
After a suitable rest, and with a pink twilight shining through our bedroom window, I was finally ready for action. Fortunately, Mistress had yet to have her demand satisfied by an alternative provider.
“Are you finally ready to put your cock where your mouth is, Slave.”
In fact I was ready to put both my mouth and my cock where they can serve their highest and best use.
“Well, go put in your device (my handy dandy aneros), I need a particularly hard cock to ride today, Slave….”
I slid out of bed, shed my shirt, and lubed up the little fellow, sliding it home. It has a certain immediate effect.
In bed, I offered to worship Mistress, and she was agreeable. And she made me work her good and long, with lips tongue and fingers before she crashed up against a nice little starter cum.
My preparatory work done, I slid up next to her. She felt my cock. It was in an anticipatory stage, needed a bit more attention. But Mistress was not going to accommodate.
“Make it harder for me Slave….”
I did not hesitate, using my fingers and the sensual stimulation her warm and writhing body provided to set about my task. It certainly helped when her nicely manicured fingers cupped my balls, gently taunting them with the tips of her nails.
And at some point she seemed to take over --- she does that as you might expect—until her soft grip on my cock had me a little too close to the edge. Suddenly, I was quite aware that it had been almost 36 hours since our Wednesday morning action.
“Ahhh…. You may want to fuck me now, Mistress…. Or lose the chance.”
“That close, are we Slave?”
She laughed at my plight, then slid on top of me. She was definitely going to take me for that ride she promised.
And it was a memorable one. Mistress worked me long and hard, building her self up to an initial introductory explosion, with two more to follow , with increasing intensity, moaning her passion, before finally crashing down on me. Her cheeks were wet from her tears, remnants of the morning’s mascara application streaking her beautiful face.
Then I was allowed to take her from above. As horny as I was with the pent-up demand, the higher altitude here always requires me to pace myself a bit, so there was not fast and efficient come for me. I worked it too, varying the pace, and Mistress seemed to fall voer the edge at least one more time before I hit my own wall.
“Mistress, may I come”, came roaring out of me, and, luckily, Mistress gave her immediate and very satisfying consent.
Then we rested a bit, perusing the blogs. No place to go or time to be there. It doesn’t get better than that….
We were both reading Ashley and Me, touted earlier this week by ‘Nilla. Hilarious stuff. Though we wondered whether this was really a clever PR person actually engaged by Ashley Madison to pump up curiosity about their product. Either way, it’s a fun and entertaining read.
Today we will be loading up our skis, looking forward to a day of sunshine and powder.
We just hope the rest of the staff has a more productive day than we will. Someone has to keep this media empire running while I keep the CEO happy in other ways.