"I don't want to have to see that nightly update in the News listing how many days you've been held hostage."
"Not funny, slave....."
The ladies are flying business class, which means they have one of those sleeping pods, and a certain degree of privacy.
"JJ has been texting me slave. He wants me to play with myself in my pod."
"Can you get away with that?"
"I wouldn't disobey your new dominant lover, Mistress.....no reason to get off on the wrong foot. You might be punished."
"We'll see......"
I look forward to the update.
As she languished for too many hours in the lounge at O'Hare, Mistress was bored. So we talked and texted for a good part of the afternoon. She had instructed me to "self-abuse" daily, and as proof of my compliance I sent her a snap chat of her fully engaged "work-a-day" cock.
"Ummm..... I love my cock, slave", was her response.
I asked her if the Dowager Domme was wearing kinky shoes. She sent this piece of evidence:

Functionally kinky, I suppose. With an open toe to encourage sucking by an eager submissive?
Then Mistress sent me an image of her own shoes:

A little more skin for tongue access. But you can tell the daughter is not falling far from the tree.
The traveling party had not yet decided whether to take up the airline's offer of a hotel room to languish in while waiting for their flight to Nairobi. It could be more trouble than it is worth to leave the airport and come back through security. And Ramadan is over, so there will be food available in the terminal during daylight hours. But if they do leave, will they be suitably attired. No doubt the DD planned ahead. She might look good in something like this in basic black. But then why not expand the color palate a bit and make a statement.

As for her slave, I busied myself here with some painting and other home improvement projects. I also had a brief text conversation with JJ about his "bon voyage" party for Mistress on Sunday night:
Slave: "sounds like you gave Mistress a nice send off last night."
JJ: "Yes. We had a date in public and then I fed your wife my cock several times... we discussed hard core possibilities for your wedding anniversary."
Slave: "Sounds like you satisfied her appetite at least for now. She will be horny when she gets home. I wonder who will get first dibs."
JJ: "We will see. I will be returning about the same time as she does."
Later Mistress told be that she and JJ had planned a three way "date" for her return on her simultaneous birthday and anniversary, which led to one more text exchange:
Slave: "Sounds like we all are going to celebrate her birthday and our anniversary. That should be entertaining."
JJ: "Oh yes."
At around 6:15 pm, I was heading out to meet some friends for dinner and music. Mistress was settled into her Qutar Air "jammies" and seemed pleased when I sent her that required photo of my encaged cock.
"Good slave".
I try my best.