Showing posts with label farolitos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label farolitos. Show all posts

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Justice Delayed, But Not Denied

Here at the UCTMW SW Annex we had another nearly perfect day: tender wake-up sex, sun drenched skiing above the cloud cover, and participating on some local holiday rituals.

In particular, we enjoyed joining the locals for a farolito lit stroll down an old historic street of adobes, galleries and museums. Then we joined folks for a Christmas tree lighting at an old bar restaurant where our friend, a local troubadour, was singing "Feliz Navidad" along with the whole collection of holiday standards. Mistress and Slave slipped out early for a romantic dinner at an Italian restaurant owned by the Italaian gentleman  Mistress had met (and flirted a bit with I might add) on friday evening. It's fair to say he was happy to see her!

Of course, the shops in the little downtown were open, with lots of encouragement to "buy local". But I'm not sure whether the folks on my gifting list would fully understand the gifts on display:

And of course the town square was all lit up to attract the shoppers:
By now you might be saying. "Hey, Mick,  this is supposed to be a Femdom sex blog, not some  tedious promo for the local tourist bureau!" So I will roll the clock back a bit to Saturday afternoon.

We had spent a few hours on the slope and knew that a rest period was in order before setting out on our evening of holiday gawking. I was snuggled up against Mistress, just dozing off when she abruptly threw off the comforter.

"I've made an executive decision, Slave..... I'm getting the riding crop...."

Oops.  What about that nap?

True to her word, Mistress retrieved her crop from the cowboy boot converted to scabbard, and pulled the sheet off my naked ass as I struggled back to consciousness.

I came fully awake as the first blow landed on my awaiting posterior. I was way too dumb, sleepy and/or complaint to put up any resistance as a total of 12 stinging blows rained down upon me. (Apparently I was alert enough to count).

Somewhere after #2 she reminded me of the reason for my punishment.

"This is because you were a dick yesterday, and snapped at me ...."

"I am truly sorry, Mistress....I was out of line....."

She heartily agreed, and properly vented her disapproval on my helpless bottom. I suspect it was red and striped by the time she was done. Fortunately, she did not insist on a photo op to show the rest of you.

When my full punishment was meted out she showed mercy, though.

"You may worship me now, Slave."

I happily complied, burying my face betwixt those powerful and toned thighs and applying my skills to assure a proper cum or too.

Then she graciously allowed me to take my own pleasure.

Not surprisingly, her cock was fully primed when the opportunity was presented.

"I think you actually liked that cropping slave....."

"Well I can't say I  enjoyed it while it was happening, Mistress..... but it did have a certain effect...."