This weekend brings the penultimate encounters of the seemingly endless NFL season. And the marquee affair is one of a long and storied series of match-ups between Peyton Manning, now of the Denver Broncos and Tom Brady, who has stuck with the New England Patriots through his career.

Manning, in the twilight of his career, has once again given his team a record setting regular season. He's one of those good-old-boy types from a deep red state, but now presents himself more like a stock broker panhandling for high net worth clients, than some cracker from Mississippi. He's very button down in those post game press conferences, like he's rehearsing for a career as Governor of Nebraska. Was this the same guy who appeared as a cut up on Saturday Night Live early in his career? The trouble is that in the post-season, he has tended to flinch, under-performing when the games count the most.

On the other hand, Tom Brady, who came to the Pats by way of Michigan as a late round draft choice, has cultivated the glamor boy look, particularly after he hooked up with that super model, who seems to keep him on a very short leash. The way he stands tall in the pocket makes you think she sometimes forgets to remove the butt plug or cock cage before game time. Tom is more often seen in a tux, with that spikey hair coif than in his sweats at practice.But he does seem to peak at the right time, taking his team farther and deeper in the pay-offs on a consistent basis than any of his contemporaries.
Yeah, I know, they are just jocks. Why write about them in some sex blog, Mick?
Well my point is that two of the "friends of UCTMW", Suzanne over at All Mine, and our underproductive Western Correspondent, have some skin in this game. The WC is a die hard "Donkeys" fan, convinced that "PFM" is the 2nd coming of John Elway and will return his team to the promised land. While Suzanne has a soft spot for her Patriots, and probably would like sloppy seconds with Mr. Glamour Boy when Giselle is done with her pre-game ass fucking.
In light of these competitive interests, one would think there could be constructed a colorful cross-blog wager over the outcome of this weekend's mammoth struggle, right? Maybe some surrogate 'back channel" take downs involving Mike or Suzanne? Or how about Suzanne's lover Jay being the "butt boy" for a change.... he has the season tix right? What if he and Tammy trade places for a week, with Jay in the cock cage doing the fluffing, should the mighty Brady strike out.
It had such great potential.
But then something mysterious happened. Suddenly Suzanne and ALL Mine went dark this week. Right in the middle of the play-offs.
Is she on some secret mission: maybe accompanying her former Senator, John Kerry to the Middle East to give Syrian President Assad a taste of what he's missing to induce him into exile?
Or could she be on an undercover mission to Moscow, hoping to retrieve Bob Kraft's Super Bowl ring from President Putin. They say he's going a little soft, releasing Pussy Riot and all. Maybe Suzanne brought Big Blackie along to REALLY bring out Vladdy's feminine side?
On the other hand, maybe Suzanne is just dodging the bet, her confidence in the outcome and Mr. Glamor Boy fading. PFM's win over the weekend, after three consecutive play-off busts, suggests he may have overcome his post-season jitters. And the last time Glamour Boy faced a Manning in the Super Bowl - little brother Eli - well it didn't turn out so well for the Patriots.
Are you hiding from us Suzanne?