It’s not often that we
get a report from our Western Correspondent that does not involve deployment in
some form or another of his special occasion cock. But since this was an
initial foray into an unknown environment, and Mrs. WC was along to keep tabs
on his, we will cut him some slack. Though I am a little anxious about what the
monthly UCTMW expense account tab will show:
Well Mick,
B and I went to the swingers club near our house Saturday night.
Very impressive
A very nice property
It is an old hunting lodge on the banks of what passes for a
river around here
A big wooden log structure they clam is 18,000 square feet, which
sounds about right
The are Buffalo, Elk, Deer, and Bear heads mounted on the wall
as used to be the style around here
Think upscale Dude Ranch in Colorado, Wyoming or Montana, and
that is what it is like
There are two big rooms each with a bar
They serve food with a wait staff
The compound is 5 acres, fenced, with some nice cabanas and lawn
for sunbathing or fucking in the sun:) in the summer
There were several big screen TVs scattered about, playing
either Porn or motocross
Not quite sure what that was all about…. but ,,,,oh well... the
porn was good:)
There was a stage and a big dance floor, and they had a DJ
playing a dance beat all night long
There were several hundred people there.... the place was packed
They don't have a liquor license, so you just bring your own
beverage and give it to the bartender and he serves you all night
The bartender was a great guy, but as B noted "the bartender
doesn't have any pants on"
Actually he did have some kind of skimpy shorts on but not your
usual bartender uniform
B and I got a table and just watched the people for a couple of
Dress for the evening seemed to me to be, for lack of a better
word.... slut!
And I mean that in a good way:)
Lots of very short dresses and skirts... sans panty for the most
part, BTW
Very low cut tops... some under the breasts:) Corsets and
some fetish wear
Guys were “business casual”
So people just danced and socialized till about 10:30, when we
noticed people disappearing thru a door
Being the erstwhile UCTMW reporter I figured we better
investigate: )
The door led to the kitchen and you walked thru the kitchen to a
stairway that led downstairs
Think the movie Goodfellas, where the boys entered the Copa
Cabana through the kitchen
Was kind of like that:)
The basement was a labyrinth of different rooms kind of like a
Each room was different had some had couches, some beds, lots of
mirrors, one fetish room with some bondage furniture and a spanking horse
Just your normal basement
Except .............
Guys fucking girls, girls fucking girls, many people all fucking
each other, anything you can imagine
We had no sooner set foot in the first room when we were
approached by a couple and asked if we wanted to "play"
We declined their generous offer, and just wandered around
watching the show
BTW the facility had bowls of condoms scattered about,
See, they are safety conscious:)
We were asked to play by several other couples but we had
decided not to on our first visit so we didn't but .... next time:)....
Anyway we had a very good time, and think the place is very,
very cool...
Dispatch from the Western Headquarters of UCTMW,