Sadly, it's almost as if we never left.
Or maybe it's better to say that we are picking up where we left off. After all, life is not so terrible for us here in River City. After a blistering "cuckold week" before we left, Mistress has been in touch over the last two weeks with her lover Jay. And I suspect there is some building pent up demand on both of their parts. She gave me a "cuckold alert" on the way home last night.
"I may be seeing Jay on Tuesday evening slave.....," was how she put me on notice that I should consider making other plans that evening.
As we flew from ABQ to MSP to River City yesterday, we had a chance to do some people watching as the crowds changed from SW to Prairie to Midwest. And one of Mistress's pet peeves was highlighted: lots of older, larger and frumpy guys in shorts and sandals. Mistress is a bit of a traditionalist. She tends to believe that guys' groady feet and hairy legs are not something that should be publicly displayed other than at the beach or sporting events. This got us talking about an article I read on Friday in the Washington Post about the geographical and cultural divide between men who wear "cargo shorts" and "jorts" (i.e. jean shorts). Real American Men Don't Wear Shorts. Here's an excerpt:
I've long been a believer in Shorts' Rights — especially in
the workplace during sweltering Mid-Atlantic summers — I nonetheless
sympathize with the views expressed in the Wall Street Journal: that cargo
shorts are bulky, aggressively dad-ish, and "like lingerie for not having
sex," as Vocativ's Erin Gloria Ryan opined today on
obsession with cargo shorts is all the more puzzling when you consider that
there's already a cool, casual, impeccably American option for men's casual leg
wear: jorts.
jean shorts' stylistic advantages over cargo shorts are immediately
apparent to anyone with eyes, the true appeal of jorts lies in their
evocation of all the things that make America great: warm summer nights,
sandlot baseball games, first dates at the drive-in and making out in the
back of an F-150 while John Cougar Mellencamp rocks the car radio.
to Mellencamp's
"Jack & Diane": In your mind's eye, are the two
star-crossed Midwestern lovers wearing jean shorts or cargo shorts? The answer,
of course, is jorts. Anything else is unthinkable.
it turns out, there is a stark geographic divide in preferences for cargo
shorts and jean shorts. You can trace the contours of this divide by examining
the record of Google searches
for "jean shorts" and "cargo shorts" going back to 2004.
Quite frankly, it's a debate I was oblivious too, but apparently quite controversial. And the map that accompanied the article shows how this great divide breaks down regionally:

Nor would you catch me in those knee scraping baggy numbers:
But this got me thinking about Terri over at A Married Sissy. Yesterday he got sent over to his wife Diane's friend Linda's house to perform some personal and domestic services whilst Diane was enjoying some private time with her lover Paul. I got the impression he was going to be dressed to serve. But on a typical Saturday afternoon in their sunny and hot climes, would be be wearing shorts? And would they be cargo shorts or jorts? Or maybe something like this?
In any event, they would have to be substantial enough to conceal his cock cage.