Slave planned a summery dinner of grilled fish, and fresh from the farmer's market sweet corn and green beans. Mistress and Jay chatted in our living room over beverages, as I "slaved away" in the kitchen. Dinner was served in our garden on a night when the heat and humidity of River City was at its apex.
Afterwards, there was some Low key lounging in our living room and even some TV watching. It was a work night after all, and we were all a little lazy.
Typically slave and Mistress cuddle on the couch when watching TV, Mistress stretched out, her uncovered folds tempting me to linger with my fingers.
It was different with Jay there..... Slave ceded the couch to his wife and her lover. Mistress stretched her legs onto Jay's legs, seemingly teasing his cock through his shorts with her bare tootsies. As you might expect, that was a little distracting to slave as I sat in a nearby chair.
Of course, Mistress seems to enjoy having both of her men dote on her. I had even suggested that I could make myself scarce for the evening so she and Jay would have some private time. But she insisted that I remain home, apparently valuing both my company and cooking!
Jay remains a reluctant cuckolder. He really doesn't "get" the humiliation element that floats some cuckolding boats. He's even a tad embarrassed to share Mistress's bed when I'm around. So it was not surprising when he took me aside in our kitchen when Mistress was upstairs....
"Mick.... the plan is that I stay the night. Are you sure that's OK with you?"
"Not a problem, Jay.....Molly enjoys it, and it's all about her as far as I'm concerned...."

I went to bed a little later, in the adjoining bedroom of one of our absent daughters.
And while the after action reports suggested it was not one of those incendiary sex nights -- Mistress had a very early meeting Thursday which cramped her wake-up sex style -- she seemed happy with the outcome.
"Don't worry slave.... I had my quota this morning.....", she said as she paraded into our kitchen, completely naked, at about 6:30 am. I brewed some coffee for her lover, and she brought it upstairs to him before hitting the shower and putting on her work armor.
It was about 30 minutes later when she and Jay came back downstairs, fully dressed and ready to face their days.
She kissed me goodbye as she and Jay left our back door early.... him headed to his car, she to hers.
It was then my time for the shower and getting dressed.
Just another day in the life of Molly and mick.
But back to normal this morning.....fortunately Mistress has no one but me here this morning to float her boat! And with our prodigal daughter headed home this afternoon, I'd better strike while the nest remains empty.