Molly has been required to focus on her work lately, and Slave's been relatively busy too. Yesterday was one of those days where we both were planning to be out the door sooner than we would like, so I abandoned the blogging early to make sure we could fit in some "help us get through the day without getting too horny" sex before putting on our games faces.
Since we would be driving separately, because of a political meeting I planned to attend at the end of the day, Mistress had strict orders before we went to sleep:
"Make sure you remember the cage tomorrow, Slave.... "
The other day, Sin had a post, no doubt inspired by the whole Herman Cain meltdown, on the subject of politicians and their proclivity to get wrapped up in sexual scandal. Well, the propensity for the straying spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend in a political campaign is not just limited to the candidates. There is something about the late hours, high stakes, spartan offices and intense deadlines that gets the hormones flowing in odd and potentially dangerous ways for staffers and volunteers too.
The recent Clooney movie "Ides of March" (which was filmed in these parts) picks up the scent well, capturing the flavor of the spontaneous but Oh so Hot sexual couplings that can spin off when you throw together attractive and ambitious men and women far from home in a Presidential primary campaign.
And of course Mistress knows this potential from first hand experience: she and her Slave first got involved through their interactions during the primaries of 1988.... a story I've told here before.
So, while Mistress has nothing to fear, she certainly can't be blamed for making sure her Slave is suitably "contained" before he heads to any political event as we head into the 2012 election cycle, can she?
Of course there is also a cage dividend for her: once the steel ring is properly seated, holding my cock and balls tight, it can provide her with the extra thrill of a particularly hard and persistent "work-a-day" cock.
And that's exactly what she got yesterday morning, after I warmed up those clean shaven folds with suitable worship as she read the blog.
After we came down from those morning festivities, it was up and into the shower for us. Once dried off, I slid the cover onto the cage, and handed Mistress the lock to make sure I was all secured away for the day.
She gave me that little smile, and closed the hasp nice and tight.
"Feel better, Mistress?"
"Absolutely, Slave...."
One thing she called to my attention as i was suiting up was that she was wearing those special "peek-a-boo tights", a new pair she had picked up over the weekend at Nordstrom's. (I had my camera handy, so had to take the picture above to share, just as Mistress finished up her morning blow dry.)
"Hmmmm.... but you aren't coming over for worship, Mistress..... have other plans?"
"You never can tell what opportunities will arise, Slave."
Unfortunately, they didn't have peek-a-boo tights when I first met Mistress, back during the Dukakis campaign.
She was feeling the lack of exercise, so took off on an early am bike ride, even as a light and chilly rain was falling, at around 8 am, as I headed to my office.
One daughter was still fighting a flu, now turned into a nasty cough. She needed to visit the MD again, and though she could have driven herself, well, Mistress felt obligated to go along and make sure she understood what the prescribed treatment might be. Not necessary, but a Mom thing. And I’m sure the surly teen appreciated her concern and presence.
After the doctor’s visit, and picking up medication and more Gatorade, she rushed to a lunch meeting with an important and high maintenance client (who happens to be a lesbian, with a bit of a crush on Mistress).
As it turned out, by happenstance I had picked the same lunch spot to meet some clients of my own, so I got to see Mistress with her shorter, somewhat older, but sort of moon eyed friend as they chatted over lunch.
Cute. And of course, whenever Mistress gets to say hello to my clients (these were two females) they always give her the admiring eye, as in “hmmmm….. what does old Mick have going that this hot young thing is with her?
Then Mistress was heading back home, juggling another client’s crisis via phone, while escorting the sick surly teen to get a passport she will need before an overseas trip in the fall.
And that early 5 am sex, well it sure was hot, but I think it had us both a bit exhausted as the day progressed.
As she said to me later in the day. “sometimes it seems impossible to be parents and also do this two career thing!”. No doubt. It’s something that has been a challenge for us, but particularly for her, for all these years. Mistress refuses to do anything, particularly parenting, half way.
It may well be – with that teen’s foreign trip come the fall – that we will actually have the proverbial empty nest in a few months, a year before anticipated.
And of course, there are some huge upsides to that. Time together … free range of the house for all that kinky stuff. We can even invite some of our blogger friends over for a visit …. Come on up, Aisha, and bring MoR with you if he comes for a visit!
And of course our Far flung management team will be welcome too.
But it will also be odd. We sure will miss the upside of these surly critters and their (every now and then) charms.
It did get me thinking about Molly and Mick’s “secret origins” though. Something we’ve not spoken much about on these pages.
Although it’s quite possible we ran into one another earlier – having lived in the same town and gone to many of the same events – the age difference may have caused us to pass like two trains in the night.
(I often wonder whether Molly ever sold me skis or equipment at a ski store she worked at in her high school years, where I took my older daughters to get their first ski paraphernalia).
When Mistress first popped up on my radar it was about 23 years ago, in the fall of 1987, at a local political dinner. I was 37. She was only 24 or so. And of course she was a vision. Surprisingly stylish in a typically frumpy River City crowd, with a short designer-ish dress, that long beautiful hair, a sparkle in her eye.
She jumped out of the room at me.
I think I remember her introducing herself to me as we talked in a group. She was on the staff of a state elected official who has gone on to do bigger things in DC by now.
And I recall complimenting her on her outfit….and offering to walk her to her car afterwards.
Yeah, forward, I know, for a married guy. Then again she was married too.
She passed on my offer, by the way. She told me later that I had a "reputation". Probably true. and for good reason.
A week or so ago, someone blogged about the impact of touch as a relationship develops. And as the months passed, as we came to know one another better, and work together on the ill fated Presidential campaign of a certain short Greek Governor, well, I found it was very hard not to touch Molly….
Nothing gross or sexual of course.
I was not the type of guy who would come out and say…. “hey…. I’m amazingly attracted to you…. Do you mind if I kiss you?”
That would be wrong. Not the way a bashful Irish Catholic guy would operate, if your last name was not “Kennedy”, that is. I guess I had always been the type who was a little too chicken to make the first “move” with a woman.
But, I seemed to find myself touching Molly’s arm, very lightly as we talked. And I remember a scene in our campaign office. She was working at a table, compiling a list maybe. Other folks were around, everyone talking about our primary plans. I was standing behind Molly.
And I realized I was rubbing her neck with my fingers…..
Argggh. Of course, once my brain caught up with my fingers, I stepped back, hoping that no one else noticed.
Though I suspect Molly did.
For me, she was just- literally - irresistible.
There was another evening, the night before the primary. We were out late, driving around the city with some friends, stapling signs to phone polls near polling locations. I was driving, and when our assignment was done, around 1 am, I made sure that I dropped Molly off last, in front of her apartment, which was not far from the house I shared with my wife and daughters.
I stepped out of the car, walked her to her door. At least for me, the sexual tension was palpable. Hormones and politics are a heady mix, even when the candidate is a short Greek guy….
It’s probably the closest I ever came to taking a liberty with Molly without advance consent….. I was desperate to kiss her…. But her signals were …. Ambivalent…
And since it was not clear that I had the green flag, well…..
“I guess we’ll see each other tomorrow, at the Victory Party?”
‘I’m sure we will, Mick”.
Well as Donna said on Thursday, my word count is covered. And I think I hear Mistress waking. Better make sure she gets lots of attention on CEO Appreciation Day. So I will leave you with this period photo rather than finishing this lurid tale.
In her Sunday post, Sin cheekily proposed a Halloween get together for her little circle of kinky bloggers and their significant others in perviness. And the thought of putting faces and body parts to cyber-noms is certainly intriguing.
Maybe we could even get our Western Correspondent and his mysterious wife B to tag along. And bring their collection of paddles.
But what got me flashing back was Sin’s proposal that Tennessee would be a good mid-way point for such a meet up. It so happens that a lovely B & B in the Smokies was the scene of Mick and Molly’s first extended Bondage caper, way back in the summer of 1988.
Let me set the stage.
It was just a few months since Molly had called Mick’s bluff.
“You’ve been flirting with me for months. Are you ever going to do something about it?” was the thrust of her message to me.
We were both married to other folks. Nice folks, actually. But we were thrown together by the vagaries of politics. And once thrown together, we just …. Stuck.
And yes, folks, it was Mike Dukakis’s Presidential campaign that brought us together. ( I can hear you laughing!)
When was the last time you thought of Mike Dukakis in the context of hot, illicit, I know I shouldn’t even think about this but can’t help myself, sex?
Molly had just turned 26. Which seems even worse now, since I have two older daughters.
I was a mature, full head of haired 38. I still feel like a cradle robber. Though it still feels SOOOO good.
Somehow we were allowed by spouses to go solo to the Democratic Convention that summer in Atlanta. And, well, over that week we seemed to spend the bulk of our time in bed.
I just remember lots of rumpled, damp sheets, very little sleep, Jesse Jackson ranting endlessly about rainbows, shaking JFK, Jr. ‘s hand, and Neil Diamond singing that song about “Coming to America” as the (lets say it all together now) “proud son of Greek Immigrants” took the stage.
But on the way back, somehow, we arranged two nights in this lovely Inn in the Smokies called the Buckhorn Lodge. ( Thank God those were the days without cell phones or GPS devices, allowing us to make our selves very, very scarce.)
Anyway, we were able to rent this house buried in the forest. And Mick had brought his little bag of tricks along, filled with various lengths of rope.
Those were the days before we discovered the wisdom of putting Molly in charge. So she found herself bound to our bed that first night, at my mercy, and more than well fucked before the sun came up.
And I recall our hike, when, even deeper in the woods, I pulled her off the trial, bound her to a tree, and used a whippy tree branch as a switch to illustrate her bottom with a lovely rosy pattern, before using fingers and mouth to force an orgasm or two from her.
What a shame there were no digital cameras in the ‘80’s. Those would have been shots I would not want have taken to the local drug store for processing.
So if Sin and her Dom ever need a convenient place to come together, and to invite the rest of us along for the show, here is a link to the scene of those crimes.