Getting hungry, we took a flyer on an exit near the shore line, found an dramatic ocean view, and a bargain three course lunch at in a little town at a quaint bistro serving well dressed locals spending a couple of hours enjoying each others' company over a Sunday afternoon Comida.
Muy Romantico!
It helped soothe Mistress's angst over bidding adios to her "baby" for the next several months.

But before signing off and waking Mistress from her slumber, I wanted to respond to Sin's question about this whole "tights" thing, which, it seems from the comments, is not just some unique Mick fixation.
I suppose it goes back to my days as a lad in 8th grade, noticing the ladies for the first time, and being distracted when they first began wearing hose other than knee socks to class. In retrospect, I am surprised the nuns did not ban the "distraction", recalling more than a few times Sister Beatrice calling out "Mr. Collins" why not keep your eyes on the blackboard" as I was craning my neck for a glimpse at the crossed, stockinged legs of the girl to my right. (This was in the early 60's, before pantyhose became readily available).
Of course, now schools are banning those sexy smooth "leggings" combined with short tops in elementary school, according to a recent Washington Post story ("Are Leggings too Distracting")
Girls and Moms are pushing back. Why should they have to accommodate the idiotic tendency of boys and men to get lost in a girl or ladies' long and shapely legs and ass? Why indeed? Am I can do is confess: yes, I get distracted! Sometimes to the annoyance of my beloved Mistress.

Later I began to appreciate the soft silky texture of a thigh clad with nylon, as it rubbed against my own thigh. Ir as I stroked it with my clumsy inelegant paws. And while Mistress scoffs from time to time at my obvious inability to ignore a lady as she strides or cycles by, she has cruelly exploited my fetish in her successful effort to enslave me, If I recall correctly she had some very distracting pantyhose on combined with a stylish short dress the night we met way back in the 1980's.
So SIn, I don't know whether you think you look sexy on those colder days up north when you slither into some tights, but consider and be merciful to the sad victims of this dreaded fetish. Maybe consider reverting to pant suits. Mistress says they might come back into style depending on the outcome of Tuesday's election. (But despite that. I would still not suggest voting for the alternative.)
(P.S. - Sin, if you want me to opine on whether you are an unfair distraction when you wear tights, feel free to take a selfie. I would be happy to post it here and survery our readers!)