Slave has been involved in a bit of a political uprising in town. Mistress got some nasty text messages from an angry operative as a result of my "acting out". She was not pleased, and for good reasons. My loud mouth had given her unnecessary grief.
"Maybe I should just head out to our SW hideaway for a few weeks slave, until all this stuff passes."
Who could blame her. But I sure hope she sticks around. I would miss her terribly. Plus, She might put me in the cage and take the key with her for the duration.
Some of our readers will be pleased to learn that I was in my cage all day Tuesday when this happened, actually until around 10 pm, because my older daughter was over to watch the big "debate". But I have been uncaged since Tuesday night, because I biked to work. (At least the incentive of going cageless is good for my fitness!)
Wednesday evening our daughter was away, and with an empty nest, Mistress was free to "lower the boom". Or, in this case, what she lowered onto my ass, with a snap of her wrist ,was that nasty long wooden back scratcher that has become her preferred punishment tool .

"You're getting ten, slave...."
And I did.
Afterwards, slave made amends with some attentive devotion to those alluring clean shaven folds. Hopefully I have atoned, and will pay closer attention to Mistress's warning that I more judiciously wag my tongue in the next few weeks.
Well if my tongue is wagging, we all know where it should be, right?
In the meantime, Mistress wondered if we should pull down the blog, as an extra security measure, just in case our political foes start poling around for dirt.
We are holding off on that for now, but don't be surprised if we go "on the lam" sometime soon, at least for a while, until the coast is somewhat clearer.