Mistress and Slave are in their final days of vacation here, though I am not ure our respective work places give a rat's ass. Over the next few days we may minimize the blogging to maximize the relaxation. But it's worth posting a little Good Friday update about some of our "neighbors" here in the edge of the Mountains.
About 150 yards behind our house is a Penitente "Morada", that get's hopping on Good Friday. Here's a link explaining this Catholic "cult" that specializes in rituals that involve faux crucifixtions and self-flagellation.
And here's a photo of the Morada yesterday afternoon. There were plenty of cars parked nearby, but the rituals were taking place inside.
While we've seen members of this "brotherhood" hauling full sized crosses down the highway, things were rather low key at the Morada yesterday. If there was any self-flagelating going on, the guys were stifling their cries of agony quite efficiently.
Hopefully, when I exercise my switch privileges tomorrow out on the patio after skiing, we will be equally good neighbors.