Will this be a sleepover that relegates slave to our daughter's room for the night? Not sure. Mistress has a very early meeting on Thursday morning that might compromise plans for Jay to share her bed through the night. But then..... tune in tomorrow and I will provide the sordid details.
But here's something I noted yesterday in the media that's worth sharing.

So is it hard to believe that after much high priced internal investigating that their former poo-bah Roger Ailes had a habit of shaking down his ladies for sexual favors?
I think we've seen this movie, haven't we?
But yesterday it got a little better for those of you with a kink proclivity.

Ao it came as no surprise that a new accuser popped up this week. A certain Andrea Tantaros. Not exactly a household name. But she now claims she was one of those ladies from the Fox stable of right wing scolds who claims that she was asked to "do the twirl" for Roger. As a consequence of her refusal, she was relegated to the back bench, and found fewer and fewer opportunities to opine on-air that there may be a radical Muslim sleeper cell residing in the White House. Ultimately, she was off the air all together.

Considering the title, it was only natural that the cover have a bondage theme, right?
So was Andrea booted off the air because she would not play Princess Leah to Roger's Jabba? Or was it because she had the bad taste to hawk her books with a kinky cover?
After this fair and balanced presentation of the facts, I will let my readers make the call.
Meanwhile, I have some menu planning to do.