It's been a little sad here the last 24 hours. Of course, there was two-a-day sex yesterday. Once in the morning, and again after our late afternoon siesta. Mistress did some rather fancy cock riding on the latter occasion.
"We have to stock pile that sex because we'll be apart for so long, slave."
True. This may be a record for us. Three weeks with no copulating.
Well it will be a little longer for slave. Mistress has a "date night" set up for Saturday evening after she arrives home. I will confess I've been stoking that prospective coupling a bit via text message. Yesterday Mistress was collecting rays for the last time on this trip and I snapped this photo and sent it to JJ.

Slave: "Last minute sunning."
JJ: Very nice. Looking forward to wrapping my hands around her tan parts."
I suspect Mistress is looking forward to her Saturday night with Jay, but with just a little trepidation. It took her a few days the last time to bounce back from a pounding from his super-sized cock.
"I don't want to be all sour and achy on that long flight on Monday, slave."
Poor Mistress.
As for me, I don't think I will have too much to blog about over the next three weeks. Hopefully there will be a bit of blow by blow from her to share before she gets on that plane. And maybe I can get JJ to share a little from his perspective. Other than that things could get a little dull here. I may have to resort to movie reviews again.