Showing posts with label Anal probe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anal probe. Show all posts

Friday, July 23, 2010

Was it a Punishment or a Reward?

“Get on the bed Slave. On all fours.”

Hmmm. A Feisty Mistress.

When I got home from the movies with surly teen number 2 – from the too long and unnecessarily violent but still kind of amusing “Inception -  Mistress was in our room, in the buff, pacing, animated, signing off from her date with her Dom, our Western Correspondent.

“Well …. The Slave’s home.  Guess we should say good bye.

…. Yes…..It was fun….. Talk to you tomorrow…..”

She was eyeing me.

I knew that look.

Well otrgasm-ed but in need of a cock.

“Why don’t you strip, Slave, while I get ready for bed.”

“Of course, Mistress”

She took her time. I lay on the bed, waiting for her.

Still in the cage. It had been a long day in the cage.

Particularly after her texts began arriving, mid-morning.

“You are getting punished tonight, Slave.”

My initial response “Why”, was reconsidered, followed by “Of course, Mistess”.

A good Slave would not question her Mistress’s judgment on such matters. Plus, that sort of questioning could just make matters worse.

Later, as I drove home, and Mistress headed to a dinner meeting for work, she let me know that she had plans for later that evening.

“M is home alone tonight. We have a date. You don’t mind do you Slave?”

As if my opinion counted.

“Of course not, Mistress.”

Early that morning I had worshiped her.  Then, as instructed, mounted my cage.  She shut the lock, and tucked away the key. That was about 14 hours earlier.

And while “Inception” was compelling, it was not easy to keep my mind off the thought of Mistress on the phone with M, her sopping cunt dancing to his tune, the power tool close at hand.

By the time Mistress came to bed, little key in hand, I was certainly grateful when she uncaged me, her fingers gently stroking me to life after I wriggled off the tight steel ring and the barred enclosure.

“Go put in your device, Slave.”

Hmmm. She was serious. She did want a particularly hard one.

I lubed it up, slid it home, came to bed to my naked Mistress, who still had that “cat-ate-the-canary” look after a few of those self-administered orgams supervised by M.

“How many times, Mistress?”

“Three Slave”.

“And did he get off too, Mistress”

“Oh, yes….”

She likes that. A lot. The sound of him exploding with her body in mind.

That’s when I was ordered onto all fours.

The crop was handy.

Burt first she stroked my cock with it a few times.

“I think it likes this, Slave.”

‘Well, yeah.”

Suddenly the crop was banging against my ass.  And I was squirming. And my cock ….well.

There were some interesting dynamics at work here ….crop hits ass, ass tightens, clenches in response. Probe in ass squeezes home, pressing that magic button deep inside that sends a jolt direct along the length and to the very tip of my cock..

I tried to explain as Mistress slowed the strokes against me.

“Very good, Slave…..M thought this might ne interesting. He said Mick would probably respond well to p=being cropped on all fours.”

Gee, thanks, M.

And of course the thought of M coaching Mistress on the finer point s of disciplining her Slave created a “curious excitement” as’Nilla would put it.

Come to think of it, that’s the effect it’s having right now.

So Slave is abandoning his homework and heading upstairs to attend to Mistress.

Will complete this entry for you later, dear readers.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Slave Can't Take What is Promised to Another

Last night, after her wanton display on the ride home, Mistress was committed to a bike ride and swimming laps at our community swim club.

My offer to worship was deferred.

“I know all that activity probably made you a little horny, Slave”, she said in her teasing voice.

“True, Mistress… did you guess?”

She laughed a bit at my need. She likes me needy for her.

“But I’m going to make you wait a while…is that OK?”

As if my opinion counted.

So after biking, swimming and some pasta whipped up from what could be found in our cupboard, Mistress finally got around to what I had been waiting for.

Upstairs, in our bedroom, she had slipped into something black, short and silky.


I stripped away the shorts and T-shirt.

“Go put in your device, Slave,” she ommanded, eyeing my naked form.

“Yes, Mistress.”

I retrieved the little white probe, lubed it up and slid it home. The effect is both physical and mental, as I suspect some of our readers can appreciate.

Sliding onto the bed, I positioned myself to suck on her needy little cunt. But Mistress had other ideas.

“Why don’t you get on the floor Slave. …. I like that angle, better.”

“Absolutely, Mistress.”

I positioned a pillow on my floor, knelt and began my worship with a long, languorous stroke of tongue to spread Mistress’s clean shaven lips.


And the probe on my ass seemed to have its usual effect, making my cock full and firm before any physical stimulation.

I sucked Mistress’s little bud between lips and teeth, and to change things up a bit, moistened a finger in Mistress’s cunt with a subversive purpose.

Mistress and her Master seem to do a lot of talking about his preordained taking of her virgin ass. That “forbidden” act only the thought of which made Mistress squeamish in the past - and which she denied to her “starter master” several months ago – seems to be something that she now craves.

M has certainly reengineered her desires in a compelling way.

And it would be wrong – so very wrong – for her Slave to take something that she has promised to another.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t stoke her desires and fantasies with a little digital stimulation, does it?

So that moistened finger slid up and inside her as I turned my sucking up a notch. And – lickity split – no pun intended – Mistress was moaning and coming and moaning and coming for me.

When she settled down, Mistress gave her instructions, in a sultry, far away voice.

“I want you to fuck me now, Slave.”

I liked to hear the need in her voice.

And that was a command I was ready, anxious and able to fulfill.