And since Donna appears to be under wraps in that dungeon this week, no doubt doing some investigative reporting that will appear on these pages in the weeks to come, I've no one to call on for a filler blog.
You will be amused to know that when Mistress woke this am, she had absolutely no recall of our late night, under the stars, worship session out on the patio. Apparently she consumed a little more wine than I calculated during our evening out.
"Are you sure that happened, Slave?"
"Would I make that up, Mistress?"
Other than that, our day was a little same old same old: worship, biking, nude sun bathing, afternoon sex, nap, dinner out on our patio as the sun set. Slave did get some out door Slave duties taken care of, including cutting back the red willows that are starting to block our view, and repairing our latilla fence. Just don't mistake me for Dubya, with that brush clearing thang.
All in all, It's a tough assignment here at our Branch Office. But someone has to take it on.
More tomorrow, if the Big Horn Sheep don't get us!