Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts

Saturday, May 13, 2017


Slave took the long drive to the east coast yesterday to visit one of my daughter's. Now that she and her husband have a house of their own, it was an opportunity to haul all of the crap in boxes filling up a corner of our attic that have her name on them. You know.... high school memorabilia, old posters, college books that somehow can't be thrown away. 

Poor Mistress is left at home to her own devices. And the worst part is that rather than canoodling with a lover, she's stuck entertaining her sister and the Dowager Domme for Mother's Day weekend. Now what fun is that?

In the absence of any active cuckolding to report on, let's discuss instead this week's big spread in the NY Times Magazine about open marriages. It's a long complicated story touching on some couples that have had varying degrees of success or failure. Sadly, there's no focus at all on the cuckold kink --these are marriages where both sides have permission, not just the wife.  But then, there is some psychobabble that opens the door just a little. The author explains that more oftern than not it’s the wife who wants to add some variety to her sex life:

Conventional wisdom has it that men are more likely than women to crave, even need, variety in their sex lives. But of the 25 couples I encountered, a majority of the relationships were opened at the initiation of the women; only in six cases had it been the men. Even when the decision was mutual, the woman was usually the more sexually active outside the marriage. A suburban married man on OkCupid told me he had yet to date anyone, in contrast to his wife, whom he called “an intimacy vampire.” There was a woman in Portland whose husband had lost interest in sex with anyone, not just her. A 36-year-old woman in Seattle said she opened her marriage after she heard about the concept from another young mom at her book club.
Perhaps the women in the couples I encountered were more willing to tell their stories because they did not fit into predictable unflattering stereotypes about the male sex drive. But it was nonetheless striking to hear so many wives risk so much on behalf of their sexual happiness.
It took decades for sex researchers to consider the possibility that women’s fabled low libido might be a symptom of monogamy. An entire scientific field, well chronicled by Daniel Bergner (a contributing writer for the magazine) in his book “What Women Want,” has evolved to try to understand the near-total diminishment of lust for their partners that so many women in long-term monogamous relationships feel. One 2002 study found that men and women in committed relationships shared equal desire at the onset of their relationships, although for women, that desire dropped precipitously between one and four years into the relationship; for men, the desire remained high throughout that period. In his book, Bergner cites research suggesting that women desire novelty as much as men. The recent attempts to formulate medication to address waning sexual interest has been predicated on the assumption that one possible response — indulging an interest in newer partners — would never be practical and could be destabilizing.
The women I met who initiated openness seemed to be defying some stereotypes about gender, but their interest was also consistent with more familiar ideas about women and intimacy: They seemed to be doubling down on building relationships in their lives.

So at least this research throws a little light on why in the cuckold world the ladies  want to add a little spice to what their less than compelling hubbies may be able to offer in the bedroom.   And towards the end of the ariticle there is some focus on a couple where the wife’s male lover has moved into the house full time.  There’s no mention of the husband having any of his own outside fun.  I guess that is cuckolding without the label.

Maybe the author will circle back and focus on relationships like ours, where the marital door (and bed) only opens one way.

There is some mention of OK Cupid as an on-line dating portal where one has the option of listing as “non-monogamous”.  Have any of our readers had much luck there?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Spare the Rod on Mother's Day?

That was going to be the title of this morning's blog.

I was going to get up early, as usual, letting Mistress sleep in.

Then I was going to do the blog, musing for you about whether, when Mother's Day and Switch Day coincide, its a good protocol to give Mistress a pass.

But, you might ask, who is Switch Day really for?  Is it for Slave, to give him a little time to "balance the scales of justice", deterring excessive exploitation by Mistress of her contractual privileges for the rest of the week?

Or is it for the benefit of Mistress: to give her a break from the duties of "being in charge" while letting her sub-side get a little exercise?

If the latter, well then it just wouldn't be fair to deny Mistress some time languishing in restraints, absorbing a nice cropping, and then having a few cums "forced" from her with the mighty Hitachi before Slave takes advantage of her helpless state. Would it?

But that plan was de-reailed by one of Mistress's crafty preemptive strikes.

.  Though we had been out late last night, at one of those in-terminable black tie charity functions that those of us in the work world must sometimes attend, Mistress was awake unusually around 6:30 am.

"Do you want to have sex slave?"

Well, we all know the answer to that question.  Sure, Mistress had made sure her Slave's carnal dreams were fulfilled Saturday afternoon, after all that cuckold action here into the wee hours of Saturday morning.

But then, that had been 15 hours ago.

So Slave got into the swing of things with her - tossing all those Switch Day musings into the file for next year - what transpired was about 30 minutes of slow and sultry sexual action in our executive suite.

Mistress seemed to collect a couple of good cums with help from Slave's hungry lips and needy cock.

And she generously gave me permission to take my pleasure once I begged her for permission.

Now she's back to sleep, sexually sated, cleverly having dodged her Switch Day "torment".... that is unless I can waylay her this afternoon between visiting my cranky Mother, and making dinner her for Molly, her Mother, her step-father and our cute Co-Ed, back last night from her trip with Grandma.

She is a wily Mistress, isn't she?

And to all you Mothers out there: including our Senior Correspondent Donna, and fellow bloggers Sin, Aisha, Diane and the rest:  Happy Mother's Day.

We hope your day started the way ours did!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Back In Action....

Mistress and Slave had a very restful  Mother’s Day here at the UCTMW World HQ.

It turned out we both needed to catch up on our sleep, as well as some of the action we had missed during Mistress’s long journey.

Not to disappoint, but Switch Day was on hiatus. By the time we woke and paged through the Sunday paper, we were more in the mood for some additional cuddly, reconnecting sex than having Mistress tied, teased and tortured – though she can expect plenty of that next Sunday.

Instead there was lots of worship, followed by her fingers and lips taking on my already firm and frantic cock.

Ohhh… and I forgot the Hitachi. Turned out she missed that too. Almost as much as me.

“It seems just too cruel to work on these nipples, after all they had to go through with those cloths pins, Mistress”.

Instead, I was sucking them very gently.

“Thank you, Slave….”

“So did you enjoy going through that exercise, following M’s directives, off in the Loo, with your poor breasts clamped….”

“It hurt Slave…. but yeah, it was pretty hot too.”

We took a bike ride in our cool and gloomy morning weather - two circuits up the hill that challenges my aging cardio-system.

Then the teens and I took Mistress to brunch at a local restaurant for Mother’s Day.

Afterwards, it was a very, very  low key day here. Her single Mimosa and my Bloody Mary seemed to make us even more laid back than normal. I helped get all those lovely photos on her computer.

We both read the Times. Later we watched President Obama’s amazing interview on 60 Minutes..

And when the girls decided to go visit their grandmother, well, you know where Molly and Mick headed.

The afternoon sex came after a long and much needed nap. Mistress was re-adjusting from the 7 hour time shift. Slave was catching up on the sleep he had missed while Mistress was out of the bed. It seems I just don’t adjust well to her absence.

When we finally awoke – to a text message that the girls were staying at grandma’s for dinner – we slowly sank into another long, slow and erotic embrace. It was the sort of sex that one has in the middle of the night, responding by instinct at some subliminal level to one another’s pent up needs.  But the details escape me now. It was almost like dream sex, but I didn’t wake up just before the good part.

I hear Mistress awake upstairs now. Gotta get used to this morning deadline thing again.

So if you don’t mind…..

Sunday, May 8, 2011

At Last....

Slave stayed very physically active yesterday, grinding through various maintenance chores… while also delivering Sullen teen #2 to her SAT test …. If only to make the time pass faster until Mistress returned to our World HQ after her tour through Poland and the Czech Republic.

And by the way… all that field slave duty makes this ancient body rather stiff. I guess it’s good that I was allowed to graduate to pampered house slave a few years back. It’s a good reminder to make sure Mistress stays pleased.

Finally, at around 7:20 pm local time, Mistress touched down in our provincial aero-drome here in River City. It was a bit like the final scene in Casablanca, but in reverse, with the girl coming back to her grizzled, taciturn lover, hopefully to stay.

Of course, Mistress was with her sprightly Mother, who apparently kept both her daughters on a very busy schedule throughout, so Slave could not do anything too dramatic to demonstrate his affections as Mistress walked through the security area. A hug and tasteful kiss had to suffice.

At least until we got to the carpark.

I had thought of offering to worship in the shadows between vehicles, since I had a severe hankering for Mistress’s musky nectar, but sadly, there was a security camera not too far away.

I need to remember to case the parking lot more thoroughly if there is a next time.

So we settled for some urgent kissing and groping before I backed the car out and headed back to our World HQ, where, thankfully, the teens were missing, having gone to dinner and a movie together.

(BTW, Mistress saw the question I posted about whether I should arrive in my cage – she texted me that I should be available to her, without cage. Thankfully.)

I hauled Mistress’s rather heavy bag upstairs. It seemed she had decided to become the George Soros of the Marzipan market, hoping to corner a rather obscure market of that strange confection that tastes like candle wax to my less sophisticated taste buds. But it’s hard to figure out how candy can add so much weight to a bag.

Suffice it to say the unpacking waited until later.

Mistress was exhausted after her 18 hour travel day, it was about 3 am Czech time by the time we arrived in our bedroom – though the aches and pains were ameliorated a bit by her first class couchette.

“We need to do that together sometime Slave….it would be like sleeping in a double bed… I’m sure we could figure a way to have regular sex at 30,000 feet.”

I guess that needs to go on the proverbial bucket list.

This was all said as I “helped” Mistress out of her traveling clothes, and got nakers myself.

And soon I was where I belonged, on my knees, her legs spread for me, dipping in and devouring.

“I’m probably a little skunky and stubbly, Slave.”

“Just the way I imagined it, Mistress…..”

After I made sure that Mistress was reminded of the skill set I could bring to the table, she asked for something that also missed her.

“I want to taste my cock now, Slave….”

I was happy to serve it up.

Well I hear Mistress stirring upstairs. So the rest of the evening will have to be left to your imagination.

I have some ideas on how to celebrate Mother’s /Switch Day and would not want to delay implementation for another minute.

And for all you other Moms out there … particularly our Senior Correspondent Donna, and Aisha, ‘Nilla and Sin … here’s wishing you the Mother’s Day of your darkest and sexiest imaginings.