Mistress did get to have dinner with Jay last night, but that was it. He's got his own family medical crisis, and was unable to take a night off with his lover / my wife. While Mistress was disappointed that she did not get a chance to enjoy his more athletic sexual stylings, hope springs eternal.
"Maybe, Monday night, slave....."
One of the more bizarre developments on our return was an anonymous letter received at my office during my absence.
Here's some background, with the facts scrambled or obscured enough to protect our "secret identities". You see Mistress and slave are pretty active in civic and political affairs in our sleepy little town. Earlier in the month I had sent a legal letter objecting to some aspects of an issue that will be presented to the voters this fall, that has the backing of a certain prominent politician. Let's call him "The Boss" , for these purposes. The Boss has more than a few evil minions who will come to his defense, and do his dirty work, as Bosses typically do, right? My letter had gotten a certain amount of press in the local media, and had triggered some trolling by some of the Bosses pals on my facebook page. That's what the "blocking" button is for!
So this anonymous letter:
It came in a plain white envelope, with nondescript hand writing. Inside there was a torn piece of white printer paper with some typing on it. It was initialed "L" in long hand.

The gist of it was this person supposedly agreed with my published position, but had a warning to pass on:
"I saw your wife leave the condo of the Boss's best friend twice a couple of months ago...be careful she's not spilling the beans on our strategy....."
Apparently the writer (one of the Boss's henchmen is my guess) was trying to retaliate against my political trouble making by creating some marital discord here at the UCTMW World HQ. He was cuckold shaming me. The message was supposed to be: "Hey Mick.....your wife is fucking the Boss's best friend behind your back.... isn't that humiliating!
But I had to laugh about it.... clearly this creep didn't understand that Mistress has permission, a contractual right in fact, to "fuck around", and already has a ready side-dish or two. We get off on it! What the author didn't know was that if she was fucking the boss's "best friend", she'd give me all the dirty details as I worshiped her well used clean shaven folds in our bed later that evening.
I passed this onto Molly, who was actually upset that we were the objects of this sort of creepy behavior. She called it a kidnap note, because of the strange, anonymous, thrown together quality.
What's next? Kidnapping Mistress's cats until we "back down"?
At least they hadn't cut letters out of magazines and glued them to the page.
I guess the lesson here is "you can't cuckold shame a guy who gets off on being a cuckold."
Do your homework, dudes!