Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2024

Final Daze: Trump Playlist Goes Rogue

As the interminable 2024 election enters its proverbial "final strokes", here at UCTMW, a blog devoted to the glory of strong, indepeondent women, we naturally fit in the Kamala Kamp. If she wins, it no doubt will be on the shoulders of America's women, most of whom  don't like the idea of the profound loss of their reproductive options as a result of the former guy's Judicial appointments. 

We had a laugh over what we saw on CNN over the weekend. A CNN reporter was reporting from a Trump rally in NC, where the crowd was waiting impatiently for their Orange Michelin Man to make one of his increasingly deranged appearances. In the background the music was playing oldies to amuse the impatient crowd.  Playing was Leslie Gore's declaration of female independence from the 1960's.

"You don't own me.  I'm not one of your silly toys."

Leslie telling America's women and girls that they should aspire to be strong, independent and not reliant on guys like the proud "pussy grabber", who claim they will "Protect" women, "whether they like it or not."

"You don't own me. Don't say I can't see other boys".

Was Leslie an early model for America's hot wives and girlfriends, encouraging them  to have a handful of "side-dishes"?

Finally, another line that Beyonce could not improve on:

"I'm free and I love to be free."

Either no one on the Trump train bothered to listen to the lyrics (shades of the Bush campaign back in 1992 adopting "Born in the USA" as a theme song), or there was one sly lady in the sound booth who was jerking the dottering fool's chain.

Either way, we are hoping America's women remind the MAGA patriarchy tomorrow that no one owns them.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Will President's Day Ever Be the Same?

Here in River City, Mistress and slave celebrated President's Day with a long bike ride after some invigorating wake up sex at the UCTMW World HQ. In the meantime, down in Florida families buried their gunned down kids, while, just a few miles away our current President stopped his angry tweeting long enough to go golfing at one of his many resorts. President's Day just isn't what it used to be is it?  Even the Presidents' Day Mattress store sales may have to think of a new name. Fortunately, we have the Winter Olympics to distract us, with (very blunt) cutting edge coverage courtesy of our Western Correspondent:

  Thanks Molly!!!   You are exactly right............  Mick was very mean to me about my expense account............I warned him but he seems just obsessed with money!   You know Vlad and Mr. T never worry about money....those boys know how to do it right.  

Remember that time on the Black sea at Vladdie's little vacation home.  You remember the time Vladdie took you horse back riding without his shirt?   Yeah! that time!!!

Talk about international cuckolding!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway,  please do me a big favor and tell Mick to stop sending me these bothersome emails about my expense account.  I'm just about at the end of my rope!!!       Please inform him that  I saved him at least 30 k in gas money for Borry's plane last night......

Remember----------------[Vlad bought that house in The Keys you guys couldn't unload,]   for 25 large......  ( I mean really large!)  So tell Mick that I don't want to hear about it anymore.........

Enough said, but I suggest  two months...........................................

Okay Mick, I did do some reporting (at great inconvenience to me personally BTW.)         I did meet Lindsey last night at a Korean wine bar for an interview.

She was deep in her cups but just kept repeating    "Why the fuck do they teach chick  Chech snowboarders how to ski in Steamboat??????  I always knew Steamboat was a communist country!!!!"

Poor Lindsey.... I left her when she was texting Tiger.     The last text I saw from Tiger was          "Keep your chin up baby, at least your wife didn't hit you square in the head  with a 9 iron........."       "L" did not seem impressed .............she just had a sad look on her face......   Was hard to watch boss........

Therefore, boss ....... I have decided to suspend my reporting duties here in the Koreas ( it is just too emotionally taxing for the poor old WC.)

BUT GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     Bory invited me and plus 1 to this party tonight.       Get this........... they have this chick who looks just like Hillary who is going to squat down and pee all over this guy who looks just like Mr. T.   (don't tell anybody boss but Borry told us it might really be  Mr. T. under a Bernie mask!).  He claims they dressed Mr. T. up to look like Mike Pence and smuggled him into the Koreas.   

Anyway boss, got to go, Plus One said "I don't believe it is really Mr. T but If its Pence I got to see this!!!!!!"

Your intrepid reporter,


Shame on you, WC. So busy partying with the man pulling the strings on the leader of the free world that you failed to get the inside story on that French ice dancing costume malfunction.  Let's hope you don't miss any developments on the lady's downhill. Will Lindsay wear her WW outfit?  Or will it be Captain America? 

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Cuckold In Chief?

Last week the Trump regime celebrated it's first anniversary. It also was struggling to control the growing scandal about the pay-off of a porn star who was tattling about her affair with the President-to-be while his wife Melania was caring for their new born. Reports were that Mrs. Trump was "blindsided" and pissed. She cancelled plans to join her husband on that junket to Davos, heading to Florida instead.

And when the time came to post on her Instagram account in the anniversary of the inauguration, she didn't show us a photo of her dancing with her super-sized husband. No.  Instead there was this photo of her with a hunky Marine more her own age. Though he had his hat on, I'm guessing he didn't have a combover or dye his hair orange.

We know that the President and his Slovenian wife maintain separate bedrooms. And she bided her time before actually moving into the White House, Was that because of the POTUS's habit of wolfing down burgers in bed, while gorging on FOX News sycophants? Or is it because she has a collection of real, vigorous men to keep her bed warm?

Let's hope that smile on her face reflects what is really going on behind closed doors in the White House residence.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

When CNN Writes About Cuckolding, Does That Make it "Fake News"?

For those of us bitten by the "cuckolding bug", there is a certain validation when the mainstream media (MSM?) starts writing about it, and even endorsing it as a main stream kink (MSK?). But when CNN - POTUS's 'fake news" boogychannel - is doing that sort of reporting, what are we to think?

Last week CNN posted a story titled Cuckolding Can Be Positive for Some Couples, Study Finds. No doubt some heads exploded, maybe even in the White House.

The article was triggered by a study that focused on cuckolding again gay men, but includes what amounts to a green light for those of us enticed by the fantasy of our spouse in the arms of another.  In fact, the article, suggests that "acting on adulterous fantasies may strengthen a relationship, as counterintuitive as it may sound."


ยท        Here are some highlights from this "breaking news" reporting from the President's least favorite "news" outlet:

(CNN)In our current political climate, the term "cuck" -- short for "cuckservative" -- has become an insult of the so-called alt-right, aimed at men they view as spineless and emasculated. The slur has its roots in the concept of cuckolding, or having an adulterous partner. 
But, according to a recent study by David Ley, Justin Lehmiller and the writer Dan Savage, acting on cuckolding fantasies can be a largely positive experience for many couples, and hardly a sign of weakness.
References to cuckolding appear in literature as early as the 13th century, usually in the form of male characters who fear that their child has been sired by another man during an act of infidelity. Today, however, cuckolding has become fetishized into a powerful sexual fantasy for some men, who get aroused by the idea of their romantic partner engaging in sexual activity with someone else. Women also share this fantasy, but less so than men. 
"This fantasy has been around as long as marriage and sexuality," said Ley, whose book "Insatiable Wives" addresses cuckolding in heterosexual couples. "But we're hearing more and more about it these days, and more people are rejecting the social stigma against this fantasy."

Indeed, the numbers suggest that cuckolding, or at least thinking about it, is more common than you might imagine. For his forthcoming book, "Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help Improve Your Sex Life," Lehmiller surveyed thousands of Americans and found that 58% of men and about a third of women had fantasized about cuckolding. 

Of course this raises a question: if women are also fantasizing about cuckolding, is the fantasy about their male partner having sex with another woman; or about them having sex with another guy, with the knowledge of their husband?  Now that's an issue for CNN to follow up on.

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The article also focuses on the root causes of the cuckold fantasy:

And the emotions surrounding seeing your partner with someone else can add to the turn-on, explained Savage. "It's not cuckolding if there isn't an element of humiliation, degradation or denial," he said. "Our erotic imaginations have the ability to turn shame lemons into delicious kink lemonade."

Of course, the article is not a total green light for married ladies to go in search of a lover to fulfill their husband's (or their own) cuckolding fantasies. It can be positive, but not for the faint of heart - or insecure:

As a sex therapist, one of the more intriguing findings from this study involves the impact of cuckolding on relationships. 
"Overall, our research found that for the most part, cuckolding tends to be a positive fantasy and behavior," said Ley. "It doesn't appear to be evidence of disturbance, of an unhealthy relationship, or of disregard for one's partner." But there's an important caveat, added Lehmiller. "We found several personality factors that predict more positive experiences acting on cuckolding fantasies. For those who have a lot of relationship anxiety or abandonment issues, who lack intimacy and communication, and who aren't careful, detail-oriented planners, acting on a consensual non-monogamy fantasy could very well be a negative experience," he said. "In other words, not everyone who has a cuckolding fantasy should think about acting on it."

One has to wonder whether the cuckolding fantasy has taken root in the "residence" at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Could it be that Melania actually gets off on those stories about her husband paying off porn stars?  Or, on the other hand, did Melania pass on that trip to Davos so she had some privacy to cavort with her tennis instructor at Mara Lago? 

Maybe CNN can turn their investigative reporters loose on that story line.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Stupor Bowl Sunday Edition

It's another Super Sunday. And while slave's work-a-day cock is still on involuntary lock down, I will make sure Mistress enjoys a few cums before the culturally mandatory game watching begins this afternoon.

The Patriots are once again in the SB..... Big surprise.  Their return necessarily brings to mind our late, very great fellow sex blogger Suzanne at "All Mine", who, along with her cuckolding lover Jay, was a big Patriots fan. In fact, Suzanne was an insufferable Patriots fan, always ready to remind us how great Tom Brady was / is.

There is no denying the accomplishments of Brady and  his  head coach Bill Belichik, aka, "Hoody". But the bromance both have with a certain bloviating orange hued POTUS gone rogue has given the SB an unusually political tinge.  The fact that both Brady and our new President have foreign born super model trophy wives is another odd, if off putting coincidence.

The fact that the Patriots have been known to toy with the rules in their obsessive quest for victory at any cost, adds to the comparison betwixt their dominance of the NFL over the last decade and Trump's rise to power. But all of that has made the Patriots the team that a good chunk of America loves to hate.

You have to wonder if the Russkies have hacked into the Falcons's secret game plan to give Trump's favorite team a leg up.

I suppose it's a shame that even the Super Bowl has become politicized in an era of hyper-partisan divisions.

Maybe the best approach is to tune out, go to bed, and lavish your respective Mistress with the attention she deserves.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Golden Showers Go Mainstream?

Since we started writing this blog all those years ago, subjects then considered "taboo" have increasingly gone mainstream. So we've had some fun pointing out when "mainstream" media outlets dabble in the kinky --- like all that cuckolding going on at PBS in their "Indian Summers" series; or the Fem Domme wife / psychologist  binding and cropping her prosecutor hubby on Showtime's Billionaire.

But yesterday the media stepped into kinky territory that even Mistress and slave would consider yucky --- the assertion that a certain President elect retained some Moscow Prostitutes to perform an exorcism of sort.

According to a document published at Buzzfeed (Alleged Ties Between Trump and Russia), Russia had collected "compromising" information on Trump during his stays in Moscow for various Beauty Pageants.  Supposedly this includes a time in 2013 when he stayed at the Ritz Moscow in the Presidential Suite where Mr. and Mrs. Obama had once stayed.

The memo quoted by Buzzfeed - part of the opposition research efforts of Trump's GOP opponents -
describes a scene where Trump engaged prostitutes to perform a "golden shower show" on the bed where the Obamas had slept because he "hated" Obama.  The claim was that the Russian Intelligence Service had video/audio evidence of this "show".

One can imagine Mr. Trump and his "companions" chilling in one of the luxe suites at the Ritz, overlooking Lenin's tomb and the Kremlin. No doubt Melania was back in Manhattan, walking her mastifs.

I hope he left a big tip for the staff who had to change the sheets afterwards. Though somehow I doubt he is a big tipper.

So all over America this morning, kids might be asking ...

"Mommy,  what's a golden shower?"

Suggested answer:

"Well honey, you know the President is a very wealthy man. I bet he puts very fancy plumbing into the showers at the White House when he moves in."

Let's hope the kids don't get too curious and start googling it.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Making America Safe For Cuckolding Again

Mistress was getting ready for her first real "date" with her prospective side-dish when I got home from work last night.  I took particular pride in the fact that she chose some saucy turquoise undies I got her for Christmas last year.  The potential unveiling of her assets that John had proposed via text in Wednesday night were clearly on her mind.

And while I was tempted to offer to worship before she left for their rendezvous at his apartment, the downside would have been tempering the sexual edge that no likely had been building over the prospects of a first encounter with a new lover.

There was one snafu.  The plan was to meet at his place at around 6 pm, but there was an unanticipated delay. John was tied up in traffic on his way home. A certain pussy grabbing white supremacist was in town to soak in the adulation from the throngs, and his motorcade had locked up traffic throughout our typically sedate burg.  He was Making America Stuck in Traffic Again, and also getting in the way of some hot cuckolding sex!

Has he no shame?

Of course, we know the answer to that question.

But while the passion of the two recently acquainted love birds was delayed by our new Leader, it was not to be  denied.

Mistress left about 30 minutes after she had originally planned, and reported to me via text about 30 minutes later that she had arrived safely, despite horrific traffic. Of course, I had the coordinates of her encounter in case she "disappeared". Making dinner and catching up on Westworld and the news took up my evening. And at around 10 pm or so I texted her to make sure all was OK.  She responded a bit later that she was on her way home.

I did not get a fill debrief as we settled into bed.  Mistress was clearly tired.

"You can have a taste slave....but I don't need another orgasm. I think my body has had enough for tonight.."

You can be assured that I took her up on her offer, sampling the sweet, creamy mixture of juices that were the remnants of her date night.  I'm hoping that her body will have recovered in time for Friday morning wake-up sex.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Kinksters in Exile

Mistress and slave have traveled from Bilbao to Santiago and now to Madrid in this last week of our journey. We absorbed the shocking news from state side in the middle of the night here like a bad dream, we would wake from in the morning.  We are still in the denial stage, avoiding mainstream media sources. But we can't avoid the howls of fear and recrimination from friends and family in our in boxes and on social media.  A soothing train ride across Spain yesterday morning with limited wifi access helped insulate us from reality a bit.

I suppose sometime on the flight home we will come to grips with the new reality, but in the meantime....we might as well enjoy our final days here on a Continent and in a country where so much worse has happened and yet the folks seem to have carved out good lives, right?

So last night we did a bit of a Ernest Hemingway pub crawl, enjoying beverages and tapas at some of his old Madrid haunts, from the days of Franco, one of the Donald's apparent role models.

And we've also stumbled on some appealing kinky images in the least likely places, like these from the Cathedral in Santiago, of an ancient threesome.  Can you spot the cuckold?

And there was this wood carving that took someone's pain and piercing fetish just a tad too far:

But what really surprised us was a gallery in the conservative old Santiago, otherwise dedicated to showcasing the unique culture of Galicia, that definitely was striking a dissonant kinky chord:

There was encasement in a cage  kink:

These strange metal restraints:

And lots of  chains too:

And while all this contemporary kink has it's odd charm, there's nothing like a little "old school" bondage to keep you grounded:

It reminds me of what I am tempted to say to my friends and family as the come to grips with the ascendance of America's new Caudillo:

"This Too Shall Pass".

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Bizarro World Femdom?

Yesterday Terri, over at The Married Sissy blog expressed some confusion in a comment:

"What's wrong with this picture. Mistress on Abstinence for 11 days. while Slave gets his daily milkings?  I must be on the wrong FemDom planet!"

I suppose you are right, Terri. (And its really 17 days when you add it up).Not only do we have a weekly switch day option here at UCTMW (as illustrated by this photo from our vault showing Mistress ready for a good cropping), but Mistress has been particularly indulgent while she is a way. She has not only allowed slave to "self abuse" at will, but has actually required it, along with a photo via snap chat to show the "proof" that slave is following orders.

On the other hand, while poor mistress has several targets of opportunity for a little sexual adventure during her voyage, she is under the watchful eye of the Dowager Domme, her loud, whiny and indiscrete sister and our cute daughter. AS a result she's been unable to taste all that tempting and delicious fruit available to her. That sort of dietary restriction must be very frustrating for the poor dear. And what the hell is in poy, anyway?

Mistress's theory on her indulgence of me while she is away is that if I drain all of my "precious
fluids" (remember that euphemism from Dr. Strangelove, all you old folks?) on a daily basis, I won't get too horny and be tempted to misbehave while she is on her 17 day sabbatical from Mistressing. (Has that worked for you WC?)

I also am required to wear my cage when I go out at night as a reminder of who is in charge.

And while those daily "milkings" certainly keep a randy slave's libido in check, they also have had another unanticipated result: I realize that that form of discharge can become more of a chore than fun. Everyday gets a little harder to look forward to my "alone time", if you know what I mean.  It's a whole lot more fun getting to do it with Mistress, and asking her permission to cum.

As Terri notes, we may be on a different FemDom Planet?  Terri is locked up in chastity for 89% of his time, and under s very limited cum regime. He even does a daily chastity report that he shares with his wife Diane and her lover Paul.

Meanwhile, her at UCTMW, slave  is whining about how all those self administered cums are getting boring, while poor Mistress is enduring a 17 day draught, all the while being tempted by hot, available guys longing to take them off to their cabin for a good hard fucking.

It's sort of like the Bizarro World in those old Superman comics, where everything is in reverse, particularly the super heros, like Bizarro Superman and Supergirl, who are always screwing things up, rather than saving the day. And now, apparently, there is a Bizarro Wonder Woman, who uses that magic lasso to get people to lie, rather than tell the truth.

Maybe I really am in the Bizarro world. I could swear I woke up to a story on NPR about Donald Trump running for President!