Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Cuckold In Chief?

Last week the Trump regime celebrated it's first anniversary. It also was struggling to control the growing scandal about the pay-off of a porn star who was tattling about her affair with the President-to-be while his wife Melania was caring for their new born. Reports were that Mrs. Trump was "blindsided" and pissed. She cancelled plans to join her husband on that junket to Davos, heading to Florida instead.

And when the time came to post on her Instagram account in the anniversary of the inauguration, she didn't show us a photo of her dancing with her super-sized husband. No.  Instead there was this photo of her with a hunky Marine more her own age. Though he had his hat on, I'm guessing he didn't have a combover or dye his hair orange.

We know that the President and his Slovenian wife maintain separate bedrooms. And she bided her time before actually moving into the White House, Was that because of the POTUS's habit of wolfing down burgers in bed, while gorging on FOX News sycophants? Or is it because she has a collection of real, vigorous men to keep her bed warm?

Let's hope that smile on her face reflects what is really going on behind closed doors in the White House residence.

1 comment:

  1. Another cuckold story?


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