Showing posts with label nude sun bathing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nude sun bathing. Show all posts

Monday, April 6, 2020

Erasing Those Tan Lines.

Mistress and slave had a particularly relaxing weekend here at our SWH.  Saturday there was a long hike down into the Rio Grande gorge, where we read and picnicked on the banks of the river.

Yesterday, there was a relatively early rise for our daily "wake up sex". Some local handy men had warned us they would be over at 9:00 am to finish work on replacing some rusty gutters, and their work would be done just beyond our bedroom windows and door.

After emerging from our bed, Mistress joined me in our living room wearing tight shorts and a fetching sports bra, and plenty of skin showing in between, and below.

"Do you think it's OK if I'm dressed like this on the patio after the handymen arrive, slave?"

"If your goal is distracting them, Mistress....."

"I'm not going to pass up some great sunshine just because some guys are working out back...."
she protested.

Of course, she wouldn't. Mistress is a sunshine addict, and there's no getting between her and some quality rays.  And I suspect she secretly relished the idea of taunting these two younger and very buff guys  with her flat tummy and lucious curves.  She can be quite a tease!  If the guys were commenting on her as she lay seductively on her chaise, just 15 ft away from their project, I couldn't tell. They were speaking a very rapid variety of Spanish to one another.

After they finished the job, Mistress wasted no time losing her shorts and sports bra. "I need to erase those tan lines, slave...."  And as I read a new chronicle of Winston Churchill during WWII, I couldn't help but be distracted by Mistress's full body display.  I even had a chance to snap this photo, with a strategically placed beverage bottle.  Our  handymen would never have completed their task if they had been distracted by this view.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

A Day In the (Self-Quarantine) Life

Out here at our SWH life has taken on a familiar and contented routine these last few weeks.  Slave wakes up earlier than Mistress, brews some coffee, settles down with his laptop, maybe to do a little work, communicate with family, and update the blog.

Mistress typically wakes after the sun rises and calls on her slave for his service-- first with coffee, then, after some lolling in bed, our daily "wake-up sex.  You can see her here in post-coital mode, in one of those skimpy outfits acquired over the years.  (There are quite a few by now).

Once we are out of bed, there are some domestic chores to attend consider.  We have been on a rather effective low-carb diet of late.  But Mistress still has a sweet tooth. So she's taken to baking some very tasty but non-sugar cookies.  Here she is whipping up a new batch.  No need for a bath robe here.  I must say that I've never seen someone wield an electric mixer with such allure!

Once the sun is high enough in the sky, it's time for our daily exercise.  Our Governor's order says we should stay at home, but allows for socially distant exercise in the great outdoors.  For us, sometimes it's  hiking or snow shoeing.  But more typically a long bike ride along some familiar routes with lots of hill climbs to get the blood pumping.  Here she is at the top of one of those long hills,  with an impressive vista in the background.  She definitely has a thing for tie-dye.

Exercise behind us -- and after some annoying work related calls - it's time for a little lunch and relaxation out on our patio.  Even if temperatures are barely breaking 50, the sun is warm at this altitude (about 7300 ft.) and Mistress has nothing to hide,  since our neighbors are off in the distance. So she strips down to black undies, with a Mexican blanket handy to wrap herself in if the sun hides behind an occasional cloud, or the FedEx Man drops by to ask for a signature.

If Mistress had to choose between me and her Kindle during a "stay at home" order I am not confident what the choice would be.......

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Cunilingus Cam ?

Mistress and slave were taken aback Monday by the hordes of Texans that had descended on our cozy ski mountain for their "spring break".  Taking a look at some of the kids and their parents that were crowding the trails and restaurants, it seemed to me that the last thing those kids needed was a "break" from whatever rudimentary education the Lone Star state might bother to provide as an excuse to field high school football teams.

But I guess my regional prejudices are showing.

In any event, that was simply a prelude for explaining that we decided to take our own "spring break" from skiing yesterday, enjoying an unseasonably warm summer like day on our "spread" here on the cusp of the Sangre de Christo mountains.

With some company showing up here later in the week, Mistress fully exploited her opportunity to collect some rays au naturale, leading to this appealing photo.

It's been a long winter and She's not yet achieved that overall bronze look. Just give her some time.

Since the weather was so accommodating, we avoided our late afternoon nap in our bed, leaving slave at a loss as to where I should perform my afternoon service of her clean shaven folds.

Which provided another photo op.  Up on the mountain, we sometimes poke fun at the folks who obsessed with making a visual record of their  alpine exploits. There are the folks with the video cameras hooked to their helmets. Are their pals really anxious to see a Facebook video of their latest downhill run from the skier's perspective.

Then their are the skiers with the selfie sticks extended in front of them as they take turns down the mountain. Watch our for that pole!

So as I knelt at the end of her chaise and slid betwixt her naked, spread thighs yesterday afternoon, Mistress asked for my camera.  The result was a closeup that is a little hard to make out. That's my hat in reverse (trying to avoid a burn on my balding skull), and you can see Mistress's spread thighs a bit.  Maybe a video next time?

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Silent Auction Fodder

Mistress and Slave spent another day in our mountain paradise yesterday.  There was your traditional wake-up sex. An early bike ride on our traditional route - great views and a bracing up hill climb to clear the arteries. And then some annoying conference calls that forced our attention momentarily back to reality.


But once the calls were done, we quickly got back into our SW groove.

Mistress stripped away her clothes and readied herself for some sunning.

Slave did some painting and other maintenance work.  But there was another task as well.

"Slave, could you put some sunscreen on my ass?"

"My pleasure, Mistress."

But as I smeared #8 onto that firm tush, a light went off.

"You know, Mistress.... some guys would pay a pretty penny for this opportunity. Some women too, I suppose."

"Do tell, Slave."

"There's that big benefit Sunday we may attend. ,,,,'

(It's for the ancestral home of a local hero/villian, best known for his exploits as an Army scout, explorer, and (here's the villian part), facilitator of the extermination of all too many native Americans.)

"Yes, Slave.... your point...."

"Well they say there will be a 'silent auction'.... where folks make contributions of various types -- condo time, a meal, a piece of art, yada yada....and the attendees bid on them, with the proceeds going to the charity."

"You're suggesting....."

"Yes, we offer the lucky bidder the opportunity to slather sunscreen all over your ass and back....maybe a separate offer for the more tender front, with it's prominent nipples and alluring clean shaven folds.... I bet that would raise even more money for a worthy cause. And we'd get the tax deduction!"

"Funny, Slave...."

"Of course, we'd need pictures to illustrate the offer..... "

Mistress was not amused..... but then Sunday is switch day isn't it?  I wonder if this would fit into my switch day privileges.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tough Duty

Mistress and Slave are in our own version of a very pampered "boot camp" this week at our SW hideaway. With no cute Co-Eds or  overstaying house guests to dictate the schedule, we get to march to our own drums this week. That turns into a "two-a-day" sex regime, a late morning trip up the mountain, 10 or so robust runs, then our afternoon back here, sunning, napping, and getting a little work in so our clients don't think we've completely abandoned them.

Of course, it's not summer. Temps have bounced between the teens to the upper 50's. But that does not prevent Mistress from going au natural to restore that healthy glow. I think it was no higher than 40 degrees when I took this photo on Sunday:
It's the last week of the ski season here, so the ski patrol is out, polishing the mountain for the spring and summer season. Unfortunately, Mistress's favorite mountain man, Dave, is already off to Nepal for the Everest climbing season. But I do think her heart skips a beat when she sees one of these rugged guys with a few dozen yards of rope in hand:

Think of the possibilities!  'Nilla, maybe you can do one of those custom stories for her.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Livin' Large

Mistress and Slave are in the "Final Throes" of our two week "recess", as Dick Cheney might put it. We've enjoyed the advent of spring here, particularly with our sullen College girl back to campus where she belongs.

It's finally warmed up and we've settled into a routine that includes a little work in the AM, sex, sun, skiing, more sun, more sex, and then some dinner, either here or in a local watering hole. And as you can see, Mistress has found a way to work on that lineless tan, (I had to sneak up on her while on a conference call to take this shot.

In the meantime, Mistress has been following the blog reported adventures of her Mountain Man, who is now treking those last 50 miles or so to Everest base camp. And he must me tracking her too... Yesterday she breathlessly reported that he had "liked"  a photo she had posted of a Ski Patrol rescue dog.

"Hmmm.... just think Mistress. Somewhere on a dusty trail in Nepal, at maybe 19,000 feet, MM was sipping some fermented Yak milk, flipped open his lap-top, hooked up the satellite internet link and bothered to check out your FB feed! Pretty impressive!"

"Do you think so, Slave....."

Poor Mistress. She has a case.

Now you might think that we've broken all records for the good life while out here. But our neighbor has set a standard that will be very hard to match.

JM was a Jewish youngster in Vichy France during the Nazi occupation. He survived that to come here in the mid-1950's to build a ski lodge and start the local ski school. THose were the days when ski fashions were a little different, and the bindings were leather thongs.

Over the years he burned through about 5 wives and fathered more than a dozen kids. Supposedly there once was a local bumper sticker that said "Honk if you're JM's kid". He clearly was a rakish charmer back in the day, though he is only about 5'4".  Here he is with his younger brother, probably back in the early 1960's:
Now JM must be approaching 80. But despite a horrific ski accident last season on opening day, Mistress and Slave spotted him out on the Mountain this week, teaching some gringos in that French accident the proper way to handle some big assed moguls with the proper style. Just like he does when racing down the mountain in classic out on the edges form. Somehow I suspect the old guy has not lost his way with the ladies anymore than he has lost his form on the slopes. Now that is something for an aging Slave to aspire to!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

HNT / Mistress and the Fed Ex Man

Mistress has been recovering from a nasty cough these last few days. The clean, high mountain air seems to be helping, and the sunshine charged her batteries like nothing else.

Though it's not too humid here, the sun can be very intense. Slave does to huddle under the portal (the overhang that surrounds our house) with a good book.

Mistress on the other hand likes to go for it, soaking up the sun's rays for hours at a time. Fortunately, her swarthy complexion seems to handle it. I offer to apply sun screen, which offer is usually rejected. Amazingly she does not burn.

And because we have almost complete privacy, why shouldn't Mistress use this opportunity to eliminate those tan lines.

"My 'clean shaven folds' are all tan now Slave.... what do you think?"

This said as she hands me an iced tea she had generously offered to get her Slave, giving me a full view of her firm and bronzed body.

"Lovely, Mistress."

The only problem can be the ocassional arrival of the Fed Ex Man who pulls up the drive, loops around at the top, and then hands over his package.

If he is aware of what to look for, and he's been here more than a few times over the years, he's likely to get a very nice view of the lovely Mistress from the high seat of his delivery van.

As it turned out, when he arrived yesterday, I was inside making some lunch, while Mistress remained in naked repose out on her chair, as demonstrated above.

He did have a rather dazed expression on his face when he handed over the envelope sent from my office.

Maybe it was just the sun. Playing tricks on him.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

HNT / More Sun and a Little Less Snow

Life slides by quickly here at our hideaway, and, sadly, duty back at home calls too, leaving not a whole lot of time for blogging this morning.

I do want to thank Harry and Petunia for their acknowledgment in comments yesterday that the truth should be a defense when it comes to punishable comments for this pampered house Slave. As for the rest of you.... well, I was not too surprised by your heartless lack of sympathy for my bony ass.

As for yesterday....Let's just say that our day started with some fancy cock riding by Mistress, developed into a lovely day on the slopes, as the sun came out to slowly warm soft and fluffy new snow into a more soupy concoction that had had our thighs burning my mid-afternoon. 

It seemed a  good time to adjourn back to our patio, where the snow from the day before had already melted in the warm sun.  Mistress does love her tanning time, so it was only moments after she slid out of her trendy stretchy ski pants that she was completely naked, giving those clean shaven folds a nice exposure to the sun. (The photo above is from Sunday afternoon. Slave was given strict instructions that there would be no photography yesterday).

Fortunately, she had a blanket to pull over her quickly when the Fed Express van rumbled up the driveway. I think our driver has gotten an eyeful on more than one occasion when he makes the turn at the end of our driveway, but not yesterday.

Slave joined Mistress with a book out on the patio too, and soon was drifting off after our "tough day". At some point the phone rang and I picked it up.  It was J, calling to chat with his FWB. (You don't have to tell me your full name when I pick up, J -- there is only one J on Mistress's list of callers).  I had to inform him that Mistress was out on the deck, completely naked, collecting rays to give herself a little color before their next rendezvous back in River City.

I think the only thing that surprised him about that scenario was that the snow we described on Tuesday had already melted. So it goes in the Land of Enchantment.  He did obtain assurances that sun screen had been applied to some of his favorite parts.

By around  5 pm the sun was sinking lower and a cool breeze had picked up. We adjourned to our bed, with plans for a nap before dinner. But somehow the nap got hijacked by some work calls, and then the temptation of the recently aerated clean shaven folds took hold.

I will leave the rest to your imagination.