But it certainly makes it hard for Mistress to scratch that cuckolding itch.
I saw an article in The NY Times on line the other day suggesting some Quarantine Dating Ideas. All were pretty lame: pick two pizzas, and eat them in adjoining cars while making small talk? "Visit" a museum on line together from separate homes or apartments? Not exactly high octane stuff.
A google search came up with some related headlines:
1) From Cosmo Hook Ups During Coronavirus describing 6 women who "chose dick over social distancing" - clearly violating the rules while hoping their partners of convenience are as cautious and pristine as they claim.
2) "How Dating Apps are Changing Dating and Relationships", from PC Magazine, quotes Tindr as telling it's users that "Social distancing does not mean disconnecting" but "keep it here for now...."
3) From the NY Post "How to Find a Quarantine Cutie During COVID-19", which recommends cooling up digitally with folks from out of town.
And so on..... But no advice from the MSM on how to pursue your cuckolding fantasies while on lock down. So maybe we owe it to our readers to come up with some ideas here?

2) Nowadays, the availability of Zoom or FaceTime could allow the phone sex option to expand into video conferencing. You could even have three way calls with the cuck elsewhere in the house, forced to watch as the "Bull" teases, taunts and "forces" cums from his wife, then the cuck cleans up afterwards. Add some mandated cage time, or Bull imposed abstinence could be a pretty hot cuckolding fantasy (or reality).
3) Use the time off from personal interaction to prospect for future cuckolding companions. Mistress has been emailing with Drew back in River City, who could be a prospect down the road. And there is that guy from Salt Lake City who has been sending the occasional email about his "plans" for Mistress. While that seems more in the realm of fantasy that reality, it can certainly fuel some hot and speculative sex here at the SW hideaway.
Let us know if you have any ideas in the realm of COVID Cuckolding. Who knows, maybe we can get a guest column in Cosmo!