We've committed the unforgivable family sin: dodging all those TG day rituals involving family members you avoid seeing most of the year, but feel compelled to feed on the holiday. But with our two daughters unavailable, and my older girls and four grandkids committed to dinner with their mother, it would have definitely been a B-list TG this year at our house. The annoyance to gratification ratio did not work out favorably, even after compensating with a hefty helping of guilt. So here we are....
There's been some gratifying sex with Mistress during our cross-country drive, and here in our little cabin. And last night we had a special guest.....Mistress's long time fantasy mountain man.
He's the guy who led us up Mt. Kilimanjaro in September. But , truth be told, all that exposure to him over two weeks in Tanzania burst the bubble for Mistress. He's no longer the fantasy fuck, but just a tall, rugged, highly competent but socially awkward guy who spends most of his year doing things most of us can only imagine.
Example: this morning he's headed off to Antarctica to lead a group of four guys who paid $45,000/ head for his services. They are climbing the Vincent Masiff, the biggest mountain on that continent. Think crampons, snow suits and 25 below. It's a trip so dependent on weather that it has a start date but no scheduled return date. He lost me when he described how the twin engined plane they fly in to base camp lands going uphill on a glacier. Watch out for that cravass!
MM lives here when not on some crazy adventure. Mistress had let MM know we were coming to town for TG. MM responded that we should try to get together for a beverage before he headed south. But I was skeptical. Was it one of those "sure, let's get together while you're in town" things? Back in River City, it's the sort of thing you say without really expecting it to happen.
"My guess is it won't happen, Mistress."
Mistress was doubtful herself, and did not pester MM when we arrived in town. So we were both surprised when her I-phone pinged at about 3:30 yesterday afternoon during our nap time.
"How about I come by at around 5 pm", he said. Mistress agreed, and soon we were out of bed.

After she was fully regaled in her evening outfit, we settled onto our patio, facing the dramatic sun setting sky. I snatched a photo of her firm tighted legs and boots for your amusement.
MM arrived at the appointed time, and lingered with us for about 90 minutes. He sat on our leather couch, next to Mistress. I was in a chair in front of our fireplace, refilling wine glasses. We reminisced about our trip up the mountain, and the quirky bunch of climbers that had joined us. There also was talk about his adventures on Everest over the years, and Mistress's reading on the subject of that infamous "Into Thin Air" climb. We even dipped into the burgeoning sexual harassment scandals in media and politics. But I must confess there were no apparent (to me) sparks flying. MM's just not that guy who lusts after a married lady. He seems to save is lust for all those mountains.
In any event, now MM is off to the land way down under. It's totally on Slave to make sure she is sexually fulfilled through this holiday for two. Hopefully I am up to the challenge.