Midwestern Professionals relocated the the High Desert SW add some cuckoldry and submission. But now there's a New BOSS in town
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Mistress Hears from A Long Lost Suitor
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Final Night In the Canyon
Dinner completed, we were all still a bit fatigued after our 14 mile trek down and back from the depths of the Canyon. As I began stowing away our dinner gear for the night, I speculated about Scott's plans for Mistress. Would he really explore Mistress's bondage kink in their final night together?
It didn't take long to find out. As I washed our dinner plates and cups, Scott was digging into his back pack. He came back to the picnic table brandishing a length of belt like fabric webbing about 5 feet long. Apparently he subscribed to that old Boy Scout motto: "Be Prepared".
"This should do," he commented, looking at Mistress, who remained seated at the table, still nursing her tea. Her expression reflected equal parts uncertainty and curiosity with just a smidgeon of anxiety.
"Hands," Scott directed.
"Really? Here?" she asked looking around the camp site. While the grounds were not as crowded as they had been Saturday night, there were still some other campers in the distance, maybe 50 yards or so away.
"Oh, don't worry. It's gotten dark and I won't be parading you around for all to see. We can certainly keep things private. At least for tonite."
A promise of a reunion?
Mistress glanced at me, still uncertain. After all she could simply say "No". Would she?
"Are we really doing this in front of the Slave?"
"Seems it's nothing he hasn't seen before, Mistress," that added with a slight touch of snark. "The only thing different from your 'switch days' is that I'll be the one in charge tonight. I'm sure Mick doesn't mind. Do you Mick?"
At this point, my own level of arousal was on the rise at the thought of witnessing Scott take charge of my Mistress.
"No. . . Sir. Who am I to object?"
"Exactly," he responded with a bit of a smirk. Mistress shot a dirty look at me, as if she expected me to be the Night in Shining Armor, coming to her defense. But I knew her well enough to judge her an enthusiastic participant in whatever mischief was to come. She was already squirming with anticipation as she made a show of finishing her tea.
"Hands," Scott repeated again a bit more forcefully, holding up the belt.
Mistress slowly stood in front of him, finally extending her wrists in front of her. Apparently her answer would not be "No."
Scott just shook his head, signaling with a twrling finger that Mistress should turn her back to him. He wasn't fooling around.
She hesitated, then complied. Slowly spinning around, glancing at me. By now it was almost dark, so it was hard to see her blush of arousal. But I could almost hear her racing heart beat.
Scott gathered her hands behind her, crossed her wrists, then wound the fabric strap round them, first vertically, then horizontally, tying it off with a knot that tightened all of the strands in a way that produced a slight gasp and shudder from Mistress.
"Too tight?"
Mistress just shook her head, indicating a "no."
She was twisting her wrists, testing her bonds. They held tight.
"Haven't done this in a while", Scott remarked to me. "What do you think, Mick, does it look like that will hold?"
"Seems a good job," was all I could muster, still in a bit of erotic shock seeing my wife so efficiently brought under such swift control by another man.
"Now it's your turn to help, slave. I'd like you to get down there, take off her hiking boots, and pull down her jeans. Around the ankles will do for now."
Mistress just looked at both of us with that "really?" look again. But her unsuccessful struggles with her bindings left her knowing her opportunity to resist had passed.
I knelt at her feet, a familiar place for me, and began unlacing her boots. She co-operated to the extent of sitting back down in the picnic table bench, lifting each foot as I worked off those boots. Her thick hiking sox remained to keep her toes toasty as the temperature dropped.
"I can't believe you're doing this to me, Slave?"
"Just following orders, Mistress", giving us both a quiet laugh.
Next I unbuttoned her jeans, and she lifted her butt slightly, aiding my effort to pull them down over her firm thighs and long legs to her ankles. Apparently she had decided either that "resistance was futile" or she really did not want to resist. I was guessing the latter.
So there she was, hands bound behind her, jeans at her ankles further restricting her movement, her lacy forest green panties for all to see. A fleece jacket and T shirt covered her breasts and tummy.
"Is she turned on, Mick?"
To verify, I leaned in, nuzzling into the soft fabric of those green panties. It was hard not to miss the intoxicating aroma of Mistress in full bloom, or to feel the damp fabric with the tip of my tongue.
"Verified, Sir."
Mistress just squirmed on that bench, moaning softly from my tongue's gentle ministrations, confirming my diagnosis.
Scott leaned over, helped Mistress to her jeans hobbled feet, then sat in her place.
"Over my lap, Mistress."
Mistress just shook her head, sensing where this was going. But Scott's strong arms soon had her by the arm, gently but firmly pulling her down with her firm bottom settled over his lap, her head dangling down, face obscured by her long dark hair. He fondled that bottom gently.
"Like the undies. Soft and sexy. But for what I have in mind, they're in the way. Mick, how about pulling them down to her knees?"
I looked at Mistress, who shook her head, giving me that dagger tossing glare. But she failed to order me to disregard Scott's command. Despite her sudden vulnerability, Mistress was going with the flow, seemingly prepared to "face the music".
I squatted down, gently took those green panties in two hands and slipped them down over her hips and around her knees.
"Thanks Mick. Why don't you stand over by there, indicating the end of the picnic table, where I might block the view of any of our fellow campers who might wander by or campsite.
As Scott resumed his gentle rubbing of Mistress's exposed ass, Scott continued. "Now Molly, keep in mind that there are other campers not far off. Let's not make them think anything improper is going on over here. Can you keep your voice low through this ordeal, or is a gag in order."
Mistress responded in a surprisingly submissive voice.
"I'll do my best, Sir."
"OK, let me know if you change your mind."
With that Scott used his left hand to hold Mistress's bound wrists, securing her to his lap, while his right palm began to rain a a slow but steady assault on Mistress's squirming bottom. Started with seemingly gentle slaps, that produced squirms and giggles from his 'Victim", he slowly built up to a firmer rhythm that had Mistress jerking, then moaning in response. Mistress was doing her best to "take her medicine", but I could tell her bottom was getting red and the pain was becoming real. Scott must have sensed it too, because his pace slowed, then stopped.
"I like the way you squirm," Scott told her. I was guessing Mistress was taking some satisfaction in sensing a hardening cock under her pelvis.
Now Scott's hand was between her thighs, sliding to her sex, fingers probing. This seemed to get Mistress's hips gyrating even more, rising up to meet her hand. Her faux struggles to resist Scott's gentle caress were, of course, fruitless, as he held her firmly in place on her lap.
By now it was dark, so I couldn't see what surely were glistening juices on Scott's fingers as he held them up for me to see.
"I think you're right Mick. This bondage and corporal punishment thing seems to light your Mistress's fire."
Back on task, Scott spent some time with a sweet and sour approach to Mistress. Firm spanks followed by gentle but insistent fondling of those damp, clean shaven folds.
Of course, the outcome was inevitable: Mistress ultimately exploded into a throbbing, gyrating cum that left her breathless. Hopefully our neighboring campers were not listening too closely, or were otherwise inspired by her wanton performance.
"Oh, God" was about all she could muster. She was both shaken and stirred by Scott's "punishment," her hair a disheveled mess, breath still a bit ragged from her "ordeal."
Scott helped her off the lap, and asked me to relieve Mistress of her jeans and panties. I was happy to comply, and then helped her stand, with her resting her shoulder against my shoulder for support. Weak knee-ed was a good description of her state.
"Hands?" she whispered, clearly hoping for release. I looked to Scott for direction.
"OK, but redo them in front. We have more business to take care of in that tent."
I followed orders again, loosening Mistress from her bonds. She rubbed her wrists briefly, but submissively co-operated as I retied her wrists, palm to palm in front.
"Thanks, Mick. I think I can take her from here. "
Scott took Mistress under a strong arm, gently helping her into her tent, no doubt ready to take his "Switch Day" prize.
Mistress's good night to me included "Remember, Slave....no touching." The tone of her voice suggested that there might be a price for me to pay for my "complicity" in the night's activities.
To Be Continued....
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Mistress's "Punishment"
Mistress and her Cuckold / Slave got back to our SW Hideaway yesterday at mid-day. While it was nice to host our youngest for 10 days, we were more than ready to get back to "normal" life, including the right to engage in our sexual rituals without fear of embarrassing ourselves or our little darling.
As we drove home, Mistress received a text from the Boss directing her to post her personal reflections on the events of Monday afternoon, including her "punishment". But Mistress (believe it or not) is a little gun-shy about exposing her personal feelings on the blog. That's why it's always fallen to her Slave to "tell the story". So, risking her further discipline from the Boss, it's fallen to me to fill in the blanks, after fully interrogating Mistress at the point of my tongue. Consider this an "oral history" that was surrendered in our drive home with some details filled in during the throes of oral ministrations on Tuesday morning and afternoon. Mistress was still cloaked in her peek-aboo tights!
Where we left off....
Mistress and the Boss disappeared into the recesses of the darkened parking garage, heading toward his black SUV. Slave slid into the driver's seat to wait. About 15 minutes later the passenger side door opened, Mistress climbed aboard with the Boss looking over her shoulder at me....."Have a safe ride home, Cuckold". He then leaned in and gave Mistress what was a lingering kiss on her generous lips, one that she returned with a little embarrassed enthusiasm. After all, she's not used to kissing another guy in my presence.
She buckled up, the Boss waved goodbye, and we headed out of the garage. In my mind there were two issues: what happened? and where was that fucking key?
Over the next 24 hours, and with a little badgering from me, Mistress "came clean" about her private conference with the Boss. Here's the download:
"So what happened Mistress....?"
"First, he spanked me, Slave...."
In his car?"
"In the backseat....."
"Over his lap?"
Yes.....he pulled me over his lap, held me down and pulled up my dress...."
"Through your tights?"
"That's right.....and it actually HURT, Slave. He was mad I was laughing at first. But...
"So hard he stopped you laughing?"
"Is your bottom still sore?"
"No.....it's OK now. But he made his point."
"Did that turn you on.... the spanking?"
".......it was hot. He didn't hold back. I was squiriming in his lap, but he said he could smell my arousal.... With those tights on, he could just reach in there between his spanks. So he knew I was turned on and horny."
"What happened after that?"
"He pinched my nipples....making me squirm some more...."
"Through your dress?"
"Yes, Slave.... through my dress. That hurt too, but not too much...."
"And then?"
"He fingered me....made me come....made me ask permission to come...."
'Awww.....poor Mistress....."
"He also says I can't cum again until tomorrow morning...."
"And you agreed to that sort of control?"
"I did Slave.....he can be VERY persuasive....."
Having gone through Mistress's experience, I had to ask my next question...."
"What about the Key, Mistress.... did he give it back?"
"I guess you'll just have to find out in due time, Slave......Now why not pay attention to your driving....."
To Be Continued.....
Monday, June 14, 2021
Mistress's First Night With A New Lover
Mistress made it home at about 11 pm Friday - way past our typical mountain west bedtime. And she was very tired.
"I'm exhausted slave....."
"Poor Mistress".
From her fashionable purse she pulled out a plastic baggie. No, it did not contain a used condom. But a necklace I had gotten her years ago from a local craft jeweler. It was in tatters.
"Things got so raucous, and, well, I forgot to take this off. Somehow amid all the hot and heavy it just broke. But I think I got all the beads." She already was thinking through where to take it for repairs.
She focused on removing her makeup, and we quickly headed to bed.
"I'm even too tired - and sore -- for any worship tonight slave. Raincheck in the morning?"
"Of course, Mistress."
It took her several days to share much of the details of her first night with a "sidedish" in about two years. And it was quite a story.
She arrived at around 6:30 pm, and K eased into things with restraint and courtesy.
"He made a light dinner for us, and we sat out on his patio, nice views, and just talked. I heard about his girlfriend who sounds interesting....they have an open relationship. She lives there part time. But I must say the house looks more like a single guy's pad than one for a couple...."
"So after dinner.....?"
"After a drink and dinner and conversation, he suggested we go inside."
Mistress had left the house not sure about whether she would actually have sex with K on what amounted to their first "date" (not counting that dinner on Tuesday night with the three of us). But apparently K had a manner that persuaded her to shed any remaining inhibitions.
"So what happened then...."
"Inside he pressed me against the wall....pulled my arms over my head....held them there... and kissed me...."
"Is he a good kisser, Mistress?"
"Very good slave...."
"Then he told me from that point forward I would call him 'Sir'....."
"How did that work...."
"I did my best, but forgot sometimes...."
"And then?"
"He spanked me slave... for not calling him 'Sir' or if I laughed at something he was doing....."
"And how did you react to the spanking?"
"It was hot, slave....very hot."
"So how did he get you out of your dress....."
Mistress had left the house in a long swirling tie-dye dress that showed lots of back.
"It took a while....he just pushed it up and had me that way for a while, just taking my parties off....."
"This was in his room?"
"yes...and by the way....he had some red rope hanging from the wall of his bedroom. But I told him no rope the first time. I needed to get more comfortable first."
But let's not digress.
"Did he make you come, Mistress?"
"Oh yes. With his tongue....he likes that unlike some guys. With his fingers. And with his very big cock."
"How big?"
"Bigger than any I've had before slave....that's why I had to ask him to take a few breaks....it was .....well almost too big....."
"Oh there were a few... him on top. him from behind....me riding his cock, which seemed to be the most comfortable for me."
The next morning, Mistress indulged her slave with some worship and wake up sex. But she was clearly tender from the "abuse" she suffered at the hands of her new dominant lover. I've tried to go easy in our sex, knowing she could just as easily shut me down until she was fully recovered. In fact, it seemed to take at least 3 days for her to recover from the tenderness caused by that huge "bull" cock.
Where does this go from here?
Seems they are both interested in a return engagement, though it may take a few weeks for that to happen due to competing travel plans.
But at least we know there is a cuckolding life after COVID! And with a dominant lover to add extra spice.
"Did you enjoy submitting to him, Mistress?
"Oh yes, slave....."
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Cuckold Meme of the Day -- Disciplined by Her Boss

"My bottom is sore slave....."
"Hmmm.... why's that, Mistress?"
"The boss spanked me."
"What? ... Why? ...Where?"
"He said I was a tease...."
I remembered then what she had worn to work that day....short black dress. And I commented on the black stockings she had shimmied up her long, well toned legs. "Isn't that a little provocative for the office, Mistress?"
She had giggled a bit. "I thought I'd tart it up a bit for him, slave.....Haven't you been encouraging me to take it to the next level?"
Yeah. I suppose I had. Before she left for work, she closed the lock on my cage, pocketing the key in her purse.
"let me know how he reacts?"
"Don't worry......I will keep you up to date.....", she smiled, kissing me good bye as her hand gently slid over my locked cage.
Back to Mistress on her cell....
"Well you were trying to tease him with that outfit, Mistress....did you flash the stocking tops....?"
"I have a feeling he caught them during a long conference call.... couldn't help crossing my legs a few times on the other side of his desk...."
"You are a tease....."
She just laughed.
"So the spanking.....where and how?"
"In his office. At the end of the day. Our secretaries were gone. He closed the door. Said, over my knee.....I was a little shocked at first. Tried to laugh it off. But he was serious.... so ....."
"So you let him?"
What was I to do..... he's the boss....."
"Go on....."
"I settled over his knee .... he pulled up my dress... pulled my hands behind me and held them there with one hand....pawed me a little through my panties...."
"I bet that made you squirm...."
"Oh yes....."
"And wet....."
"You know me, slave....."
Yes. She can be a slut on occasion.
"And then....."
"Then he lit into me.... had me count to ten strokes....."
"Did it hurt?"
"Some.... not too bad.... he was relatively gentle....all the while lecturing me on how my dress and stockings made him horny through that long call...."too distracting" he claimed...."
"So what happened when he was done with the spanking....."
"What do you expect? I'll fill you in on the rest when I get home. Be ready for worship!"
"Yes, Mistress."
I hoped she remembered where she had parked the key.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Kinky Image Swap

Yesterday, after some bracing wake up sex, we were out the door and back on the trail for another hike along the rim of the Rio Grande.
It was a blustery day, and when some rain begin to spill from high clouds, we headed back home, stopping briefly for some spicy regional take-out for lunch.
On out way back, Mistress checked her email and discovered a request from Drew, her recent correspondent from back in River City.
"He wants me share a kinky images. I have to go first. Something I find alluring, slave....So I may need your help."
Apparently one of my roles as the UCTMW Managing Editor and IT Director is to find kinky images to share with Mistress's potential suitors.
Back at home I asked her what she was thinking about.
"How about one with spanking, slave....". she said with a somewhat seductive tone.
Hmmm..... Interesting. Apparently that is an itch that has gone unscratched for too long. I called up google images and pursued the available selections. Given a few choices, she picked this one:

Image copied, it was sent off to Drew. Hopefully he got the message. I am sure Mistress is curious to know what he will send back in return.
Of course, Mistress seems to have the perfect bottom for spanking. After a post-hike nap, I couldn't help but notice how good it looked in some yellow undies I got her for some past occasion. She was happy to pose on our bed. Very spankable, don't you think?
Then again, she looks pretty hot when encouraged to flip over too:

Thursday, February 21, 2019
- Mistress "pegging" her slave as her lover observes and eggs her on.
- Mistress using her riding crop on slave as her lover observes.
- Mistress being required to turn the key of slave's cock cage over to her lover.
- Mistress taking her lover's direction on when and how she can have sexual relations with her slave / husband.
- Mistress also being required to wear some sort of chastity device.
Thursday, May 3, 2018
And "Insolent" too.....

"You forgot "insolent" slave. I have heard that tone in your voice the last few days."
This came as we engaged in an unexpected "dance" in bed yesterday morning. I was using my tongue and lips to entertain Mistress's delectable clean shaven folds. She was using her palm to spank my ass.
It was not quite as painful as the crop she'd applied over the weekend, but distracting from my prime mission....delivering a pre-intercourse orgasm. Of course, ultimately, I got the job done and Mistress rewarded her insolent slave with an opportunity for some full on and a little noisy wake-up sex.
"We're going to have to be more quiet over the next few days, slave....."
"True. But only until Monday....."
Mistress was referring to the arrival of our daughters and a fiancé for this weekend's wedding. Chaos is descending on the Collins household for an eventful weekend here. That means our sex life will have to go into stealth mode until the nest is empty again.
The upside is that Mistress will have to spare the rod.
"You make too much noise with all that whining when you get cropped slave....."
"I think they'd hear the crop hitting my ass even if I didn't vocalize Mistress....."
Later yesterday morning I got a text at work.
"Insolent: showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect. Synonym: impudent."
I better be careful with my tone this weekend, or there will be a reckoning that my ass may not appreciate come Monday evening.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
You Can Leave Your Turquoise On

Monday, January 23, 2017
Is Mistress Due For A Spanking?
Friday, July 17, 2015
Happy Birthday Mistress!
But before we get to her birthday celebration, let's reflect on the last 24 hours here at the UCTMW World HQ.
Slave did get a chance to break my sad 48 hour sexual drought yesterday morning.
And late yesterday afternoon, Mistress made one of her rare (these days) appearances at my office for a little worship. It's always nice to have her spread those firm and athletic thighs for me as I kneel and get on task.
After that we headed to a reception for a local public administrator who is moving onto a new job on the left coast. We had a chance to say hello to some folks we have both worked with over the years, and of course there were some new folks who have taken the reigns of power in recent months.
One is a public official Mistress had said was ogling her a a recent civic dinner.
"He's doing it again, Slave", Mistress whispered to me as we noshed on some munchies laid out by a local caterer.
"Him again?"
"Yes, he's kind of creepy."
"But at least he has good taste, Mistress. I recall you called me creepy too before we got to know each other better."
Of course that was about 27 years ago, as we were reminded later in the lobby of my office building. As we headed home the guy at the security desk said hello, and, ironically, asked "how long have you two been together?"
Mistress responded that we've been married 22 years. Together for 27. He seemed impressed. And my only comment is that it's gone by way too fast.
So how will we celebrate Mistress's birthday?
We have a dinner planned with Jay, Mistress's lover, which could be a little strange with our recent grad hanging around the house.
"He's coming over around 6 for a glass if wine, slave.... then I figured we would walk to the restaurant for dinner..... but how do we explain that to [our daughter]?"
We agreed to just say that we planned dinner with him, a friend, and it's really not an official "birthday party".
Hopefully, daughter will have some other plans with friends tonight, allowing Mistress and Jay to celebrate her big day in a more "intimate" way before the night is through!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Dear Molly and Mick - The Case of the Noisy Spanker
Dear "rough rider",
You really are in a pickle, and one that could have been avoided. Here at the UCTMW World HQ, we've been known to enjoy and administer some robust spankings and croppings - no doubt the impact of a palm or wooden shoe horn on warm flesh has reverberated through the hallways of our executive suite, and could have been heard in the chambers of our recently returned Co-Eds. And while they have both read "Fifty Shades" by now (what teenager hasn't?), we doubt that they would have been savvy to the concept of "rough" but consensual "discipline" as part of their parents' mating habits at age 12. Heck, at age 12 who wants to even think that their parents have consensual kissing other than on the cheek.
So over the years we've saved our more robust escapades - particularly the sounds of hard impact on tender flesh and the resulting moans of pain/pleasure - for times when the girls are out of the house, or when we can take our fun elsewhere. Sure, there is always the sound of music from our public radio station to drown out errant cries of delight. But then you risk hearing the cackle of "Click" or "Clack" if "Car Talk" comes on just when Slave is getting to the "short strokes". Now that's a mood killer of there ever was one.
We understand that it's a little harder to arrange for a "kid's night out" when your daughter is only 12. So maybe take your fun outside. Arrange for a sitter, and head to a relatively deserted hiking trail. Restrain your submissive partner to a tree trunk or branch, and have at him/her! Just remember to bring a soft blankie for the "after care" part.
And as for how to respond to teacher's concerns? We favor putting our cards on the table rather than risk a "good samaritan" call to the local spouse abuse hotline. Maybe "Believe me, A little spanking is a very hot way to get the juices flowing." If she's hot, why not invite her over for a free sample!
It's a little harder to ease the concerns of your 12 year old though. Maybe "Don't worry dear. Sometimes Mommy and Daddy play a silly spanking game. It's all in good fun, and we always kiss and 'make up' in the end. Daddy would never hurt me or you."
In the meantime, maybe pull a switch, invest in a strap-on. Some robust ass fucking is not nearly as noisy, particularly if you stick some used panties in hubby's mouth!
M & m.
In case you are interested here is Prudie's more sensible response:
- –
Readers: Let is know if you've had to explain something like this at home and how you've handled it!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Our Western Correspondent Turns Consumer Reporter
It was our Western Correspondent, texting me images of some new products now available over the counter in his hometown, Here's one:
Apparently this is some sort of chewable marijuana confection, made to order for the guy who wants a quick buzz on his way to the grocery store, but doesn't want that tell tale smell in the family mini-van to annoy his wife or shock his kids.
There were also photos of the evil weed in it's more natural state. Miguel assured me that it "wasn't cheap, but it is killer bud!" (coma added by your editor).
I suppose it would have been rude of me to ask whether this "killer bud" was paid for via the UCTMW charge card. At least our readers deserve a more detailed analysis, WC! Let's hope for the WC's sake that Phillip Rivers and his crew stop by one of these little shops before game time against the WC's donkeys this weekend.
In the meantime, Mistress and Slave are back here in River City, noses to the grindstone. Plus, our senior cute Co-Ed remains in residence for the next few weeks. Since she sleeps in, it did not disturb our much needed wake up sex on Tuesday morning. And there was even a bit of a bonus for me.
When I got home, Mistress was a little annoyed at me.... I think it had something to do with her perception that I was a little too focused on work these last two days and did not "miss her enough", despite my protestations to the contrary.
"You need a spanking, Slave...."
"But Mistress.... with our lovely daughter here? She would here the nasty smack and my howls of pain!" (yeah I was laying it on a little thick.)
"You're probably right .... but she can't be here all the time....."
So I guess Slave has something to look forward to if the cute Co-Ed ever decides to venture out into the cold this week on her own.
Monday, March 11, 2013
The Tables Are Turned

Well I did not want to disappoint her. So after we submissively let the socialists in Washington dictate us into all moving our time pieces forward yesterday morning, Mistress found herself bound face down on our bed, secured by those red leather wrist cuffs that go so well with her manicure.
You can see how all that spinning and biking makes for very firm ass and thighs!
I "spared the crop", but made sure she got a nice firm hand spanking, inspired, I suppose by the WC's little fantasy about the biker at Scarlet Ranch posted here yesterday. By the time I was done, that little ass was squirming, and Mistress was whining.
"Ewww... that hurts, Slave."
I doubt it hurt quite as much as the ten strokes I got the night before, but I did not want to press my luck by "escalating" to the point where retaliation might be cruel and imminent. We'll leave that to the crazies on the Korean Peninsula.
After Mistress got a good dozen or so spanks, I slid down her panties to get a good view and prepare her for the "treat" I had planned.
As you can see, she had a nice little red glow going on that contrasts nicely with the cream color of her lingerie, and the pearly white of her favorite power tool.
Rest assured that I dragged our Mistress's "torment" for a while at first denying her plaintive cry for permission to cum, before succumbing to her sad horny plight.
And after she had her fill, well I chased it with a little intrusion from her work-a-day cock, taking her first from behind, and then, after rolling her over, in the more conventional way.
Hopefully, Mistress's not no subtle hint that it was time for her Slave to Switch-Up properly was fulfilled!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
"I need some sympathy, Slave...."
And so she shall have it, though maybe Slave deserves some sympathy too?
We left you back in the Denver airport, whining about the sudden disappearance of our Western Correspondence just when we could have used a little logistical support in the Mile High City. I had posted a blog. My laptop battery was dying. I tucked it away and began reviewing accumulated emails on my O-phone, Mistress sitting next to me.
And what pops up -- for both of us to see-- two emails in my in box from a woman from our past who Mistress has instructed me to have no further contact with. Yes, that woman.
The emails were innocent enough (in my opinion), concerning some election day volunteer work, in response to some mass emails I had authored seeking volunteers. She was among several hundred on the distribution list. But Mistress was suspect, and remains so. Any communications had been forbidden, and this crossed that line.
I showed her the emails, before deleting them. She did not like their "way too familiar" tone. And though I've cut off contact with her for going on 4 years now, I'm not convinced that Mistress is convinced, if you get my drift.
This sent Mistress into a bit of an insecurity tailspin, and I am hoping that eventually my reassurance concerning my devotion to her will ultimately make her feel more secure.
In the meantime, this formerly pampered house slave has had his leash tightened.
Tuesday night, I was told that from now on and until further notice I will be wearing my cage everyday... (but maybe not on weekends?)
After that, she told me to insert my aneros, then applied that particularly nasty long shoe horn to my ass, which had Slave bouncing off the bed in pain, and her telling me to stop squirming and stay "in position".
Fortunately, she did let me fuck her afterwards. But only after she took the picture below and instructed me to post it and explain why I had been punished.
Yesterday, Mistress stopped by for worship in the morning at my office, and then at the end of the day. I hope that feeling my devoted tongue at work may help her bounce back from this setback.
But when we got home, it was back to business. First there was some reference to the possibility of making me sleep in the cage, Lucky for me she relented, after considerable groveling by me to the tune of how I would much rather have sex with her than suffer the consequence of middle of the night erections banging up against that steel cage.
But before there was any love making in the UCTMW executive suite, she got out the shoe horn one more time to redden my bony old ass all over again.
Double ouch!
Hopefully Mistress will realize sooner rather than later that her Slave is hopelessly in love with her and would do nothing to mess with the amazingly wonderful life we share.