Friday, July 17, 2015

Happy Birthday Mistress!

Mistress celebrates her birthday today (our anniversary too)!

But before we get to her birthday celebration, let's reflect on the last 24 hours here at the UCTMW World HQ.

Slave did get a chance to break my sad 48 hour sexual drought yesterday morning.


And late yesterday afternoon, Mistress made one of her rare (these days) appearances at my office for a little worship.  It's always nice to have her spread those firm and athletic thighs for me as I kneel and get on task.


After that we headed to a reception for a local public administrator who is moving onto a new job on the left coast. We had a chance to say hello to some folks we have both worked with over the years, and of course there were some new folks who have taken the reigns of power in recent months.

One is a public official Mistress had said was ogling her a a recent civic dinner.

"He's doing it again, Slave", Mistress whispered to me as we noshed on some munchies laid out by a local caterer.

"Him again?"

"Yes, he's kind of creepy."

"But at least he has good taste, Mistress. I recall you called me creepy too before we got to know each other better."

Of course that was about 27 years ago, as we were reminded later in the lobby of my office building.  As we headed home the guy at the security desk said hello, and, ironically, asked "how long have you two been together?"

Mistress responded that we've been married 22 years. Together for 27. He seemed impressed. And my only comment is that it's gone by way too fast.

So how will we celebrate Mistress's birthday?

We have a dinner planned with Jay, Mistress's lover, which could be a little strange with our recent grad hanging around the house.

"He's coming over around 6 for a glass if wine, slave.... then I figured we would walk to the restaurant for dinner..... but how do we explain that to [our daughter]?"

We agreed to just say that we planned dinner with him, a friend, and it's really not an official "birthday party".

Hopefully, daughter will have some other plans with friends tonight, allowing Mistress and Jay to celebrate her big day in a more "intimate" way before the night is through!

As for me, well wouldn't it be nice to give Mistress some birthday spanks on Sunday -- our switch day?  Hopefully our daughter won't be hanging around all day.  Mistress's  cute  bottom certainly is tempting, isn't it?


  1. Happy anniversary to both of you and Birthday to Molly. Sounds like a fun evening and perhaps a tasty dessert for you later if the nest can be emptied. We've been enjoying your posts as always. FF.

  2. WC here

    Happy birthday Molly!!!

    My favorite picture...

  3. Happy Birthday Mistress!

    Glad it's not an "official" party. That way anything goes.

    sissy terri


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