Sunday, July 19, 2015

Mistress's Birthday Celebration

Mistress got a special treat for her birthday: Her slave hosted a birthday dinner at a trendy neighborhood bistro that included both her husband and her lover, Jay. 

Jay joined us first for drinks in our living room: Mistress sat next to him on a little love seat while Slave parked on a side chair, as we chatted about developments in the increasingly bizarre 2016 presidential race.

Then we walked up to our local bistro, where, once again, Mistress made sure Jay sat next to her through dinner, against a cozy leather banquette. And while other diners might have just seen two men and a fetching woman spending a Friday evening together, what I could notice was Mistress's hand resting on Jay's thigh - or vice versa - as we sipped bubbly, and ambled through our three course meal.

On the walk home we stopped by a local wine bar for some after dinner sipping.

It's a neighborhood joint where it's not untypical for us to run into friends, or strike up a conversation with some newbies. And the shop owner made matters worse when he took it upon himself to announce that Mistress was celebrating her birthday and we were celebrating our anniversary.  That got a younger couple chatting the three of us up ... it turned out they were on their first date, and the guy, a tad geeky, asked what the secret was to staying married for so long.... 22 years in our case.

Here was the tricky part. We didn't know these folks, so the shock effect could be fun..... but then we did know the shop owner, who was lingering nearby.

Slave was tempted to say.... "Allowing a lovely wife to take a lover -- like Jay here -- can keep things fresh and hot!"

Or maybe.... "letting your wife keep your cock locked up when it suits her works!"

But instead, so as to avoid embarrassing Jay and blowing our cover, I simply said "lots of sex...."

Even then, Mr. Geek looked at us like we were a little crazy. 

Shortly after that, some old friends walked in. We chatted with them for a while, introducing Jay as "a friend", and sharing some old stories about how the husband in this couple met Mistress back when she was in high school, at a deposition.  (No doubt he had some less than purely professional  thoughts about his young and nubile witness, with long legs  in her hiking shorts).

When we got home, a bit wet from a pop up thunderstorm,  there were a few awkward moments. Our daughter was out with a friend.  But we didn't know when she would get home. Was there enough time for the two lovebirds to enjoy a "night cap"?  Slave excused himself, to give them a little privacy.  I even floated the idea of Jay "spending the night" in our other daughter's room.

'With the bedroom doors closed, who would know who was sleeping where?" I postulated.

But I think nervousness over our daughter's impending arrival made both of them a little nervous.  In about 45 minutes, Mistress joined me in our bedroom.

"He figured it was better to go home, slave....."

Prudent.  But I suspect that they got in a little kissing and groping before Mistress's birthday night ended. And it seems they have plans for a more private get together later this week. In the meantime, Slave will have to rise to the occasion in order to serve Mistress's needs.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of twists and turns here but in the end, it was good that being prudent won out. Could have been an interesting morning otherwise!

    sissy terri


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