Thursday, July 23, 2015

Shag one for the Gipper!

Mistress and Slave have had a low key week here in River City. We are looking forward to the weekend, when our daughter and her boyfriend have plans for a few days away with friends, leaving the UCTMW World HQ a briefly empty nest.

"We will be able to have loud sex again, Slave!"

It's something to look forward to, plus Mistress is also working on plans to get together on Saturday with her lover Jay..... by Sunday evening Mistress may have some tuckered out clean shaven folds!

But today's blog is inspired more by an article I saw in the Washington Post yesterday, titled  Why Are American Teenagers Having Much Less Sex?

This chart tells the story:
  Apparently back in the Reagan "Just Say No" Era about 60% of teen boys and 51% of teen girls were sexually active. That percentage has shrunk to 47% and 44% respectively in the "liberal" Obama Era.  Teen pregnancy rates are way down too.

Now Mistress came of sexual age back in the Reagan years. (Her ancient Slave first had sex back when Lyndon Johnson was grabbing Senators by the balls, hoping their hearts and minds would follow). I may have to ask her if there was something in the water that made all those teens fuck like bunnies as the Gipper and Nancy moralized about the evils of drug, sex and rock and roll. (But then didn't Nancy have a thing going with Frank Sinatra on the side?)

It appears that that Reagan Era generation of sexually licentious teens grew up to be the Ashley Madison generation. Now they're wondering if their profiles got hacked and their cock and boob shots will suddenly turn up on their facebook pages. 

And what would explain the less randy nature of our teens during the "permissive" Obama reign?
The article suggests they are too distracted by screen time. Maybe they're satisfied by virtual sex, or while away the hours watching other people do it on Netflix and Hulu?

I'm confused. It's clear that our kids aren't living up to our concupiscient example. Except, maybe, for the WC's daughter. I still can't believe she disappeared with his wife's hitachi.

Hmmmmm...... maybe that's it. Could 21st Century teen girls have realized that Hitachis are more reliable  and less messy than the quick fire cocks of the boys they go to high school and college with?


  1. WC here

    Funny as always Mick!

    Guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree....

  2. WC here again

    Never heard that rumor

    Was Frank fucking here while they were married?

    Did he cuckold the President?

    Great scoop boss!!!!

  3. Funny and informative posting. Never heard about Frank and Nancy either. Not surprising though. We now have a long list of presidents who seem to have made it a habit to mess around. Why not the first ladies? Adding a cuckolding wing to these presidential libraries would certainly boost attendance.

    sissy terri

  4. I for one am glad our children appear not to be sexually active, but their mother? She NEEDS to be more sexually active ;)

  5. I also came of age in the 1980s and remember it was Tipper Gore who had the proverbial stick in her bum about subversive Rock and Roll wanting to slap warning labels all over music. Since hubby Al invented the internet, maybe she is the one hacking all those AM accounts.


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