Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Fundamentalist Hackers?

Slave was trying to avoid working yesterday morning, scanning the Washington Post for distractions, when I noticed the first wave of publicity about the big Ashley Madison hack.

The gist: some oddly puritanical hacker cabal had snuck into the cyber knicker drawers at Ashley Madison and pulled out the files of a few hundred thousand "cheaters" and was threatening to expose them to the world - or at least to their (supposedly) unknowing spouses.

Their "non-negotiable demand" (how 1960's) was that AM must shutdown and stop facilitating infidelity.  Here is one of many summaries about a story that ballooned all day yesterday as all those "fidels" out there tut-tutted about the hideous "infidels".Ashley Madison Hack

I set aside the odd notion that hackers have now taken on a fundamentalist streak.  Usually they just want to steal your credit card data so they can run up charges on on-line gambling web sites. No, these guys want to hold infidels accountable for their infidelity. Does Jerry Falwell's college now have a hacking major?

Then I acted to make sure that Mistress's "data" was as safe as  could be.  Her AM profile has been hidden for a long time now. But to be sure, I deleted the profile. I suspect that there was a lot of profile deleting going on at AM yesterday.

At dinner (after our cute daughter excused herself) we discussed this development. Of course, Mistress need not worry about her cover being blown to an unsuspecting spouse. Slave was the one monitoring all the attention she got from so many whackos on AM..... though there was at least one "keeper".  recall that Mistress met her lover Jay on AM! He was one of the few single guys cruising for married ladies with some time on their hands!

But Mistress was a little concerned about being "exposed" to family members or clients. After thinking it through we aren't too worried - we never used a credit card, name associated email account, or face shot on the site.

But we did wonder about consequences for a few of the people Mistress encountered over the years. Some were the arrogant types who like to pose as pillars of the community.

Will the local museum director who came onto Mistress be exposed?  Or that corporate Exec who wanted to fly her to Europe on his business trip immediately after their first "date"?

I guess this is the downside when technology optimizes "fooling around" for married folks. Or when there Ayatollahs out there learn how to hack.


  1. When I saw that story about the AM hack, I thought of you Mick--is that odd? I knew you would have some fun thoughts on the subject, and here you are. Now if they had just used all that energy hacking, and instead signed onto AM they could have had a lot more fun.

    1. It does seem like a huge waste of energy, doesn't it, Penney?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If only people could mind their own damn business. Businesses? I really don't get why someone would do that. It's the cyber equivalent of vandalism. Grr.

  4. We're kind of in the same boat as you guys are, no credit card, face shot, etc. We're going to miss those humorous (but strange) notes and all those guys who find it necessary to include a shot of their cock!

    sissy terri

    1. I will miss being Mistress's corresponding secretary.



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