"You're kind of horny this weekend, Slave.... what's up?"
"Hmmm.... not sure, Mistress, I mumbled, after Mistress gave me permission to cum once again."
This was Sunday afternoon. There had been our typical frisky wake-up sex already that morning, with Slave treating Mistress to a little starter cum with her favorite power tool, before proceeding to the main event.
Then there was a bike ride, a lavish breakfast Mistress prepared, some time in the sun reading the NY Times, a trip by Slave to the grocery, and, back in the Executive Suite, by late afternoon.... well Slave was in the mood for a little more than worship.
Yesterday, Mistress worked from home, and Slave headed to the office after our wake-up sex rituals were complete.
I was home by 6 pm, but the good news was that one of the Co-Ed's had an appointment at the Apple Store (another replace my phone scam), which left a little time before Slave prepared dinner.
I slipped out of my work attire, as Mistress was finishing up a document. She had on one of those mid thigh, bare back tie-dye dresses she sports on a day at home, and looked particularly fetching.
"Anything on your calendar right now, Mistress?"
Soon we were back in beg.... Mistress had lost her tie-dye dress, and some fervent worship was rewarded with a little late afternoon indulgence.
"What's with you Slave? all this energy?"
"Maybe I'm just whipping myself into shape for the re-emptying of the nest, Mistress.... "
It's nice that it coincides with football season.