Sunday, February 5, 2017

Stupor Bowl Sunday Edition

It's another Super Sunday. And while slave's work-a-day cock is still on involuntary lock down, I will make sure Mistress enjoys a few cums before the culturally mandatory game watching begins this afternoon.

The Patriots are once again in the SB..... Big surprise.  Their return necessarily brings to mind our late, very great fellow sex blogger Suzanne at "All Mine", who, along with her cuckolding lover Jay, was a big Patriots fan. In fact, Suzanne was an insufferable Patriots fan, always ready to remind us how great Tom Brady was / is.

There is no denying the accomplishments of Brady and  his  head coach Bill Belichik, aka, "Hoody". But the bromance both have with a certain bloviating orange hued POTUS gone rogue has given the SB an unusually political tinge.  The fact that both Brady and our new President have foreign born super model trophy wives is another odd, if off putting coincidence.

The fact that the Patriots have been known to toy with the rules in their obsessive quest for victory at any cost, adds to the comparison betwixt their dominance of the NFL over the last decade and Trump's rise to power. But all of that has made the Patriots the team that a good chunk of America loves to hate.

You have to wonder if the Russkies have hacked into the Falcons's secret game plan to give Trump's favorite team a leg up.

I suppose it's a shame that even the Super Bowl has become politicized in an era of hyper-partisan divisions.

Maybe the best approach is to tune out, go to bed, and lavish your respective Mistress with the attention she deserves.


  1. I miss Suzanne. Do you know why she disappeared?

    1. Suzanne passed away several years ago. Cancer. Very sad.


  2. Oh I am so sorry to hear this. It is shocking to remember blog personas have real lives. And she seemed so much larger than life. Very sad indeed. Thanks for telling me; I always wondered.

  3. Nice post Mick. Last night we were watching a clip on some sports station of a Brady interview and he was asked a question relating to politics and or Trump. He gave a Belichikian answer saying he wasn't allowed to discuss politics anymore. His wife made that very clear to him. Diane immediately said "Guess we know who wears the pants in that house. Good for her."

    Today's game might bring back election memories. Most of America wants the Falcons to win but the field is where it's decided, just like our electoral college, the fans to mean $&!#!

    So sad about Suzanne. We miss her football commentary as much as anything else. May she rest in peace.

    sissy terri

  4. Oh, how sad about Suzanne - I didn't realize she had passed away either.
    I'm just hoping for a good game (and good commercials!) Though your chosen activity also sounds good!


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