Saturday, January 11, 2014

Re-Immersion in River City

Mistress and Slave have desperately sought to get our noses back to the grind stone here this week with a positive attitude. But it's not been so easy. There was a nasty cold wave to deal with, and petulant, needy clients who apparently were wondering if we ever were coming back.

Makes us wish we had stayed in our SW hideaway, where the sun has been out ever since we left.

Not only did our sexcapades take a hit from re-adjusting to work and the time change, but our lovely cute Co-Ed has been around most of the week, on her endless winter break.

But things took a turn for the better yesterday. She decided to head back to her campus for the weekend (there must be some frat boy distracting her up there), and we finally seem to have caught up on sleep.

Not only did we have some bracing wake-up sex here on Friday morning, but Mistress also stopped by my office later in the afternoon for a little closed door "tide her over" treatment.  Since it's tights season, I got to watch her slide off one of those sexy black boots and wriggle out of one leg, before she could expose the clean shaven folds that make her Slave get so anxious to serve.

It's always a refreshing break from office drudgery to fall to my knees and use my lips and tongue to please her.


And now we have a weekend that should give us a little more time than we've had this week to loll about and indulge.

Things definitely are looking up.


  1. I think I always hope it can happen without taking my boots off. It does complicate things. But it's much easier to recover from.


    1. I guess it depends on how you're doing it Sin. Plus there is always the peek-a-boo tights option.


  2. WC here

    Love the picture Molly

    Your hands look so demur resting in front of the famous clean shave folds!!!

    Nice hands!!!



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