Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year from Molly and mick

New Year's Eve was especially nice here as the days wind down on our SW holidays: skiing in the morning. lunch outside on the slopes in warming sunshine, and then a long nap to rest up for the celebration. We even got in some hot late afternoon sex, covered up by some music on the CD player in our bedroom as the newly wed couple took their own "nap". Let's hope they used it to the same good purpose as these old codgers did!

Mick had cunningly persuaded my daughter and her husband that this would be a "date night" for both couples: I handed over the car keys so they could dine out in town while we would walk down the street in the high desert darkness to enjoy our own solo dinner at a local eatery.

Better yet, they left about 90 minutes before our reservation, finally giving Molly free range of the house in something much less than her modest shin length robe.  I caught her inspecting our little Christmas tree in some of the new undies I gifted her for the holidays.
Ahhh. Free at last.

After dinner we found the youngsters back at the cabin, watching an old movie. They turned down our offer to take them out for a little New Year's eve rock and roll. But that did not suppress us old farts! We even made it as late as New Year's in Chicago! But we kept one tradition alive: by midnight mountain time you could find us safely cuddled up together in our bed. The best way to kick off a new yeat!

Hope all of our readers enjoyed their holidays too, and best wishes for a safe, sane and sexy 2014!


  1. Happy New Year Mick and Molly. Do you feel the New York time or the Chicago time is the "real midnight" and therefore the "real" start to the new year? Not challenging you, just curious.


  2. I think we think of our hometown midnight as the start of the New Year, which would be NYC time too. But that is slowly changing. Our goal has always been to be in bed by the new year witching hour, and we made it Mountain time this year.


  3. WC here

    Happy new year Mick and Molly!!!!!!!!

    Great picture Molly you little stud

    You look like you are ready for a triathlon !!!!!

    Must be all that spinning with the republican gals:)

    Hope everone has a great year

    Love to all


  4. I can't help wonder how much sleep actually takes place during these "naps" that everyone in your household takes????

    Happy New Year! I have two wishes...

    That you have more sex than ever before

    And that Mick gets locked up even more!

    The was never very good at writing poetry,



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